The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1507: Are you still going to break the ring?

   Chapter 1507 Is it still going to break the ring?

  Fang Lan saw clearly that it was them, and hugged Chu Ning excitedly: "Chuning, thank you. Thank you young master. I thought it was dead this time."

   "It's alright, Fang Lan, those outlaws ran away."

  Chuning comforted.

  Fang Lan saw that there were still many people coming up, and couldn't help worrying: "But there are so many people over there, what's the situation?"

   "Those are regular subordinates, Shen Muhan's people. I guess he shouldn't mess around. Although he is cruel, he also knows that if he offends us, he may not be able to retreat." Chu Ning said.

   Fang Lan nodded.

  Chuning first smeared her wound and dealt with it briefly.

   With the help of Fang Lan, Chu Ning first gave Chu Zhuohang a simple treatment for the gunshot wound.

   Seeing that Chu Zhuohang was injured like this, Fang Lan and Chu Ning were very distressed.

   "Brother, please bear with me first. The person Shen Muhan takes must have a team doctor. As long as there are medicines, they can last until they go to the hospital." Chu Ning said.

  Chu Zhuohang was speechless in pain at this moment, just nodded.

   Shen Jingyu soon followed into the dense forest.

   The desperado made him nervous, and Shen Muhan also made him uneasy.

  Chuning, she must not be in trouble.

   Must not.

   His pace was exceptionally fast, and it was still accelerating.

   Without delaying for another second, the feeling of suffocation in his heart will be strengthened by one more point.

   And it has been almost eight hours since he got on the plane in Italy.

   Plus the time he spent flying to Italy also consumed a lot.'s been nearly a whole day since Ningning entered the jungle.

   The torture he suffered in his heart made his heart beat wildly.

   He couldn't think about anything else at the moment, he just wanted to get to her quickly.


   Shen Muhan and Shen Jingyu both secretly entered the jungle.

   No outsiders knew about it, for fear of causing an uproar.

   However, Shen Sihai, as Shen Muhan's father, still knew it in a short time.

   "What, Mu Han actually went in?" Shen Sihai was very surprised, "In this situation, he can arrange for someone to go in, why go in by himself? Is he crazy?"

   "We also persuaded him, but he just wouldn't listen. So we had no choice but to ask the vice president to call the shots..."

   "What about the others? Who else is there?"

   "Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning. Besides, Shen Jingyu also went in."

   Shen Sihai's face became a little ugly.

  Chuning in it?

   Could it be that Shen Muhan would do such a thing for this woman?

   He made him ruthless and loveless since he was a child, no one can like, no one can fall in love.

   But in the end, is he still going to relapse?

  Shen Jingyu also went in...

   Shen Sihai lowered his head in thought.

   was weighing various pros and cons in his heart, and he never wanted to deal with this matter so simply.

Since    is a rare opportunity, someone needs to pay the price.

   "Arrange more people to go in to protect Mu Han's safety. If Shen Jingyu's people want to do something, they don't need to be afraid of him!" Shen Sihai said.

   The man was slightly overjoyed when he saw Shen Sihai taking the lead and helped him, and hurriedly led the people away.

   And Shen Sihai pondered for a while before saying, "Shadow, you also bring people over."

  A figure appeared silently, he was the shadow of Shen Sihai's bodyguard.

  Shadow's name is Shadow, usually no one knows his existence, because he has no need for "existence".

   (end of this chapter)

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