Chapter 1516 Feeling strange

   "You have to get out of your way! I will never go with you!" Chu Ning pushed his hand away.

   "Chuning!" Shen Muhan shouted sharply, "Chu Zhuohang is about to become a dead person, but you won't."

   Shen Muhan took a step forward with icy coldness in his eyes.

   "If you want to die, you die first. My brother will be fine!" Chu Ning insisted.

   Shen Muhan continued to approach Chu Ning, Chu Ning could not step back.

   But at this moment, Chu Zhuohang's body slipped out and slid into the deep valley.

   He was in a coma and didn't struggle at all.

   "Brother!" Chu Ning reached out to grab him without hesitation.

   But although she grabbed Chu Zhuohang's hand, there was no other place for her to stand and hold, and her body also fell.

   Shen Muhan reached out to grab Chu Ning without hesitation, but at the same time, the whole person fell with her.

   "Master! Chu Ning!" Fang Lan shouted loudly.

   "Young Master Han! Young Master Han!" Shen Muhan's people were also stunned by this scene.

   But shouting doesn’t help.

  Empty valleys only their echoes came back from afar.

  Fang Lan's face was as pale as paper, it was all for her, Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning were all for her, and they encountered such an accident.

   And now, she can't do anything but watch them fall from here.

   "Come on!" Shen Muhan's subordinate grabbed Fang Lan's hand and pulled her up.

   Shen Muhan also fell, but now is not the time to save people.

   Moreover, taking people away is also what Shen Muhan meant.

   So they grabbed Fang Lan's hand and left quickly.

  This time, everyone moved quickly and went straight down the mountain.

   This matter is said to be hidden from Master Chu.

   But when the five people were rescued and Fang Lan was still without any news, how could they be able to hide it?

   Lord Chu already felt strange: "Why haven't Zhuo Hang and Ning Ning been here these two days?"

  Lanxi was also a little strange: "Yeah, he didn't even call me to tell me. However, their young people also have their own affairs, and they will come in two days."

   "Well, then don't bother them. My body is almost recovering." Chu Ye smiled.

   "Yeah. I heard that I'm still busy with things at hand, so Master Chu doesn't have to worry about it." Doctor Fang on the side said with a smile, but there was a flash of worry on his face.

   Because of Fang Lan's arrest, he, the father, knows best.

  Chu Zhuohang took a risk and went to rescue himself. Among the six people arrested, five of them were brought back.

   But only Fang Lan never showed up.

   I heard that Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning personally left to save Fang Lan.

  Doctor Fang was very impressed, but even more worried.

  Especially after so much time has passed.

   He arranged for someone to pick him up, but when he heard that the location at the foot of the mountain was already blocked, no one was allowed to enter at all.

The    satellite phone also couldn't get through, and the connection was completely lost.

   "Master Chu, if it's all right, I'll go out first." Doctor Fang was concerned about this matter and said.

   He walked out, took out his mobile phone and started calling: "What's going on, is there any news?"

   "Doctor Fang, now we have completely lost contact with the young master, and there is no news at all. I heard that Shen Muhan and Shen Ye have also brought people in, but I don't know if they can be contacted?"

   (end of this chapter)

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