Chapter 1522 You know nothing

   Shen Jingyu asked in a low voice, "Where did she fall? I want to start the rescue."

   His voice was hoarse, as if something was pressing down on his throat.

  He Yiming said in a low voice, "Fang Lan was already on her way, so she knew the exact location. All rescue measures have been prepared."

  Shen Jingyu sat down as if his whole body was out of strength, something in his eyes rushed out involuntarily, washing away the blood stains on his face.

   "If I could come back sooner..." he said feebly.

  He Yiming is also very self-blame, if not for his closed training.

   But everyone knew in their hearts that the red-haired group had specially chosen this opportunity for Chu Zhuohang to deal with it.

   Originally, Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning had more than enough to deal with these desperados.

   It was only because the hired bodyguards intervened at the critical moment, that the matter suddenly went out of control.

   The culprit is the group behind.


   Knowing that Shen Jingyu could not be killed, Shen Sihai was disappointed.

   Arranged so many people to go there, all of them were rice buckets, and even Shen Jingyu couldn't handle it!

   He is just a mere man, and employs bodyguards several hundred times as much.

   The most annoying thing is that he lost the son of Shen Muhan.

   Only Shen Jingyu's death is worth losing Shen Muhan's life.

   Now Shen Muhan is dead, but Shen Jingyu is still alive.

   "Vice President, I heard that Shen Jingyu has launched a rescue and is going to rescue Chu Ning from the cliff," said the secretary-general.

   "We will rescue him immediately, we must rescue Mu Han." Shen Sihai said.

  If this is the case, then there is still a chance to kill Shen Jingyu during the rescue process.

   Shen Sihai arranged for people to join He Yiming and Shen Jingyu's rescue team.

   At this moment, no one can refuse Shen Sihai, and it is also the son that others want to save. Rationally, there is no possibility of rejecting others.

   Fang Lan had already come up, and she pointed out where Chu Ning and others fell.

   But everyone knows in their hearts that there is a cliff below, and saving people from here is tantamount to climbing to the sky.

  Because of the clouds and mist all year round, there is no helicopter to go down here, and it can only be climbed by pure human power.

   But the following situation is complicated. I don’t know if there are beasts or poisonous fog, etc. Rescue is quite difficult.

   Professional rescuers may not be able to reach the bottom of the valley smoothly.

   And even if they arrive, they may not be able to save people.

   To be honest, most people are inclined, the three of them have long been smashed to pieces, and there are no bones left.

  This is a cliff of several kilometers.

   But Shen Jingyu and He Yiming both insisted on search and rescue, so everyone had to actively join in.


   Inside the Presidential Palace.

  Fu Hongxuan was furious: "How could such a big thing happen! What about the people who are in charge of this matter, are those people all for nothing!"

   The subordinates were trembling and dare not argue.

   There are many strange things about this matter, and there are no clues yet, and everyone is not sure who did it.

   So all had to keep silent.

   "You don't know anything, what do the country and the people want from you!" Fu Hongxuan was very angry.

   After reading the report, there are only a handful of people in the entire country who can harm Shen Muhan and Shen Jingyu at the same time.

   (end of this chapter)

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