The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1525: made such a mistake

   Chapter 1525 made such a mistake

   Shen Ye's study layout is not complicated, and you can see all the corners at a glance after entering.

   "Ningning! I see you!" An An ran over and pushed the bathroom away.

   However, no one responded to him, and the restroom was empty.

   "It must be behind the curtain! Ningning, come out!" Pingping opened the curtain confidently.

   But there was no one behind the curtain, and there was no Ningning at all.

   Lele climbed down and looked under the desk.

   To his disappointment, there was no one in this position.

   Besides, there was nowhere to hide in Shen Ye's study.

  If Ningning was going to play hide and seek, where would she hide?


  An An refused to believe this result.

  Because the positioning was done by him personally, it is impossible to go wrong. The video of Chu Ning that I just received came from this room.

   "What are you looking for?" Shen Ye asked knowingly, "Why is Ningning here. I said, she has already gone to Italy."

   "It's weird, obviously Ningning's video was sent from here. Well, how could she go to Italy?" An An said.

   Shen Ye is also worried about his eldest brother and sister-in-law, but he can't show the slightest on his face.

   He really didn't expect that if this little nephew's IQ was excellent, he wouldn't be able to deceive him with his little tricks.

   If he had known it earlier, he should not have tried to appease them earlier, instead of positioning them well.

   "Uncle, where did you hide Ningning?" An An asked.

   "I really didn't hide her. I don't understand what you are talking about." Shen Ye spread his hands, expressing helplessness.

   Behind him, Lele had already opened the computer he just closed, and there was still a video of Chu Ning that Shen Ye didn't turn off.

As soon as    was opened, Chu Ning's appearance, actions, and even words in the video were exactly the same as what they saw just now.

   An An and Ning Ning turned back at the same time.

   Shen Ye immediately turned his head and tried to turn off the computer again.

   "What's the matter, why does my sister-in-law seem to have sent me a video? Hahahaha..."

   "Uncle Shen Ye!" An Anping stopped him in unison.

   Lele also stared at Shen Ye with great eyes.

   Shen Ye's embarrassing explanation obviously couldn't deceive the three of them anymore.

   After a while, three little milk packs surrounded Shen Ye in the middle.

  Shen Ye was like a child who made a mistake, sitting with his head down, facing their interrogation.

   "So what happened to Ningning?"

   Shen Ye had no choice but to stare at him with three pairs of smart eyes. He had to tell everything one by one: "It's just like this, so now Ningning's whereabouts are still unknown..."

   "Let's go find her now! Ningning won't die! Nor will she be missing!" The three little **** ran out with tears in their eyes.

   "Hey, hey, be safe and happy, wait for me!" Shen Ye quickly flew and ran out.

   knocked himself on the head in annoyance.

   Okay, why did you make such a mistake, now it's the eldest brother and sister-in-law that has a problem, but the three little milk packs are about to have a problem soon after being made by himself...

  Ding Qinen was downstairs when she saw three little milk packs rushing out, she hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

   Shen Ye's figure dashed over and said, "Mom, don't ask, I'll explain to you later."

[Please pay attention to my personal public account, Tiantian Similu, and search for Tiantian Similu directly on WeChat. In the future, I will publish some character-related small theaters, short stories and other free stories in the public account. Or the experience of reading, welcome to add]

   (end of this chapter)

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