The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1527: let's not be men

   Chapter 1527 Let's not be men

Shen Jingyu squatted down and said, "I know you want to help, and I know you are worried about Ning Ning. But you are too young to help. If you stay here and you can only help, wouldn't it delay the rescue of Ning Ning? time?"

   The three little milk bags understand the truth, but reason is one thing, and emotion is another.

   Their tears finally flowed down.

   But he still shook his head vigorously and refused to leave.

   They just wanted to wait for Mommy. How could they leave without seeing Mommy?

  Although he was very independent early on, he would do his own thing and take care of himself.

   But whether or not Mommy is there, the difference is still very big, okay?

   At this moment, they all hated that they were too short and could not be able to help Dad and save Mommy.

   Xiao Baobao couldn't help crying, tears washed away the dirt on her face, making her whole face look like a small cat.

   Shen Jingyu also felt sorry for them, but letting them leave at this moment was the only way.

   "Shen Ye, Qiao Hai, Duan Hanyu, bring the three of them back! In addition, arrange for more people to follow, and make sure to send them back to the Shen family mansion safely." Shen Jingyu said.

  The three people whose names were called obeyed Shen Jingyu's intention, one by one, and hugged the little milk bag.

   Although struggling, where is their opponent?

   Shen Fengshan also hurried over. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but feel distressed: "Jing Yu, this is..."

   The three little **** were biting their lips and weeping, with tears flowing but not making a sound, which made people especially pity.

   "Dad, please go back first and help me send the three of them back." Shen Jingyu pleaded in a low voice.

   At this moment, he no longer wants to see another person in the Shen family have an accident.

   Shen Fengshan was urged by Shen Jingyu many times to leave here and return home, but he did not follow suit.

   However, it is now about the three little grandchildren, Shen Fengshan has no choice but to promise.

   Shen Ye and others hurriedly took the three little milk packs away from the mountain, and finally reached the parking place.

   The three little milk packs were still crying silently, their faces covered in flowers.

   Shen Ye's heart ached when he saw it, so people twisted wet towels over and wiped their faces one by one.

   "Don't cry, don't cry anymore, Ning Ning will be heartbroken when he knows." Shen Ye persuaded in a low voice, "And men don't cry."

   "We don't want to be men, we just want mommy." The three Xiaokou said in unison.

   Shen Ye stretched out his arms to hug them, not knowing how to comfort them for a while.


   On Shen Sihai's side, someone has been arranged to secretly attack Shen Jingyu.

   However, it has never been successful.

   There are too many people around Shen Jingyu at this moment, and he has long been wary of suspicious people. Anyone with suspicious identities can't get close to him at all.

   People who are in the world can't find opportunities at all.

   Moreover, it is easy to reveal the identity.

  Things stagnated for a while.


   Valley bottom.

   Amidst the clouds and mists, finally revealed the slightest light.

  Chuning's eyes felt the light and slowly opened.

   Into the goal, all are all kinds of branches, and there is soft grass underneath.

  's head was a little groggy and extremely uncomfortable, but fortunately, the cool breeze brought her back to some freshness gradually.

  Chuning finally propped himself up with both hands, sat up slowly, and lightly beat his head to drive away the drowsiness at the moment.

   (end of this chapter)

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