Chapter 1535 Leave no trace

   The rescue on the top of the mountain continues.

   But because you can't rely on too much external force, you can only use human power to **** on the cliffs, and then go to the bottom of the valley to save people, so the process is very slow.

  Even for professional rescuers, it would take several hours to go down to the bottom of the valley by rope alone, and in the middle, they would experience the danger of being hit by the gravel on the mountain, being blown away by the cross wind, etc.

   So far, no one has really reached the bottom, let alone search and rescue.

   Shen Sihai came over in person, followed by many people, and his expressions were unusually serious.

He has basically lost the chance to attack Shen Jingyu. Now that Fu Hongxuan has ordered him to come and participate in the rescue, it is even more impossible for him to attack Shen Jingyu - it is equivalent to that he is now the top commander here. If Shen Jingyu has an accident, he will responsible.

   He was in a very bad mood. He lost Shen Muhan, but only lost one Chu Zhuohang and one Chu Ning, and watched Shen Jingyu still at ease in front of him.

   He asked Shadow to quickly eliminate all evidence related to this matter, leaving no trace.

   Then, he walked towards Shen Jingyu.

   "Are they still alive?" Shen Sihai's voice was very sad.

   However, no one finds it strange. He has just lost his son, and it is already very good to be able to maintain his current state without gaffe.

   Shen Jingyu didn't respond to him. At this moment, his mind was all on how to save Chu Ning, and he didn't pay any attention to Shen Sihai's arrival.

   At this time, someone said, "Vice President, Chu Shiwen and Lan Xi are here."

   "Don't let them come up." Shen Sihai explained, "This is the important place of the Dragon Empire, and outsiders are not allowed to appear. Besides, Chu Shiwen is a big businessman, and it is impossible for him to be involved in such a thing."

   "Let my mother come in." Shen Jingyu glanced at Shen Sihai, "She wants to come and see Chu Ning."

   The person he was talking about was Lan Xi, and he had no position to let Chu Shiwen come in, but he definitely wouldn't have no position to let Lan Xi come.

  Shen Sihai hesitated for a while, intending to give Shen Jingyu this face, and said, "Do as he said."

   Down the mountain, Chu Shiwen was sitting in a wheelchair. He couldn't walk because of the recent surgery.

   He and Lan Xi came together because they knew that Chu Zhuohang was among the people to be rescued, and besides Chu Ning, only the couple could touch Chu Zhuohang.

   So without thinking about it, they rushed over, even if there is a one in ten thousand hope, they can help.

   But Chu Shiwen was blocked, and only Lan Xi was allowed to enter the forest.

   "Husband, just wait here, I'll go over." Lan Xi bent down and said to him, "No matter how much hope there is, I will work hard for it."

  Chu Shiwen's eyes contained great pain, his children were in danger, but at this time, he couldn't participate in any rescue.

   "I'll go first." Lan Xi finished softly, and followed the people arranged by Shen Jingyu and entered the forest.

   Lord Chu could only watch her figure and send her away with his eyes.

After   Lanxi went up the mountain, he changed into a uniform that was convenient for movement.

  The Lan family used to be from an aristocratic family. Later, after Lan Xi's brother passed away at an early age, Lan Feng chose to take another path, and the Lan family ended the only industry.

   (end of this chapter)

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