Chapter 1540 Full of sense of security

  Chuning saw his figure running towards him, he came, heard himself, saw himself.

   She couldn't help crying, tears mixed with rain.

   Shen Jingyu ran over quickly in the rain and hugged Chu Ning's trembling body into his arms.

  Finally, he finally rescued her.

   "It's alright, it's alright." Shen Jingyu whispered, hugging her cold body tightly.

   "Husband." At this moment, Chu Ning felt full of security, no longer needed any strength, and depended on him wholeheartedly.

   Shen Mu on the side looked at them embracing each other coldly, evoking a mocking smile.

  Lanxi also ran over, seeing the scene that her daughter and son were still fine, she couldn't help crying.

  Chu Zhuohang couldn't stand up, Lan Xi sat down beside him and said, "It's alright son, mom is here."

   "Mom," Chu Zhuohang felt very guilty seeing that his mother was so old and still running around for him, "I didn't do what I should have done, which made you worry and suffer."

   "My parents know that you have done what you should do, and are very proud of you." Lan Xi said, "Don't feel guilty, you have already done it very well. No one thought that someone else would appear later."

   Soon, Shen Muhan's people came over, ran in front of him and said, "Young Master Han, we're here."

  Shen Jingyu let go of Chu Ning, and asked people to start a fire again with waterproof lamps and smokeless oil, and brought clean clothes for Chu Ning and Chu Zhuohang to change.

   He glanced at the weather and said, "You can only go up until the rain stops. Otherwise, the cliffs are too slippery to climb."

  Chuning used the light to see the wounds on his palms, and he felt distressed: "How could it be so badly injured?"

   "It's fine. It'll be fine soon." Shen Jingyu withdrew his palm.

   "Is Mom also seriously injured?" Chu Ning asked with concern.

   "Nothing, just get some wound medicine in a while, and it will be fine soon." Lan Xi smiled, seeing her son and daughter standing in front of her again, it doesn't matter what kind of injury she gets.

  Chuning took the medicine in the rescue backpack they brought, and applied it to his mother and Shen Jingyu.

   Shen Jingyu hugged Chu Ning in his arms and whispered, "Go to sleep, tomorrow the rain stops, we'll go up together."

  Chuning nodded lightly.

   She can finally sleep peacefully for a while.

   It has probably been several days since she fell, and she has not slept soundly. On the one hand, she is afraid that something will happen to Chu Zhuohang, and on the other hand, she is afraid that Shen Muhan has a bad heart.

   Fortunately, in the end, everything was fine.

  This sleep, she slept soundly.

When    woke up, everyone was already packing.

   The sky was clear, showing a lot of blue, and the storm had completely passed.

  There was a lot of food in the rescue backpack. Seeing her wake up, Shen Jingyu handed her the cut food: "Eat some food first, and then you will have physical strength when you go up."

   "Well," Chuning was indeed hungry and ate a lot in one go.

  Because Chu Zhuohang was injured in both legs and could not walk, so everyone else had to use straps to tie him to his body and use force together.

   Lan Xi and Chu Ning had to protect him and support him a little, otherwise he would be scratched by the jagged rocks.

  So even if one of Chu Ning's legs was injured, Shen Jingyu was so distressed that he wanted to carry her directly on his back, and he had to endure the pain and let her go up with Chu Zhuohang.

   (end of this chapter)

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