The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1555: psychological torture

   Chapter 1555 Psychological torture

   Shen Muhan took the number plate in his hand and flipped it casually.

   The more leisurely he was, the more panicked those six people were.

   The sword of Damocles, which does not know when it will fall on the head, is the most disturbing.

  The big deal of death is that it will be like that, but the torture of knowing that you are going to die, but not knowing when to die, makes people's heart collapse extremely.

   At this moment, Shen Muhan is like a beast who knows how to hunt best, watching his prey collapse on his own leisurely, this feeling is really good.

   A huge amount of pressure hangs over the six, and they can't plead, because it doesn't help.

   He didn't even have a voice, he could only watch Shen Muhan helplessly.

   All of this now has stretched their nerves to the extreme.

   It seems that the nerve will be cut off in the next second.

   But they know for sure that this nerve will not be cut off, if it is really cut off, it will be fine, so as not to suffer from this huge mental torture.

   But unfortunately, he couldn't, so he could only endure it like this, waiting for Shen Muhan's final evil judgment.

   "Come on, let's smoke. Let's see who dies first." Shen Muhan greeted.

   A total of six people with six number cards rushed over, not knowing whether they wanted to go first or go later and suffered more.

   Shen Muhan asked each of them to draw one.

   Then, he said slowly: "Alas, the game will be over soon, don't cry and smile."

   Those people didn't know what kind of expressions to make, so they could only smile mechanically.

   The atmosphere at the scene was extremely strange.

   "Throw the person who drew No. 1 in." After Shen Muhan finished speaking, that person was thrown in.

   The wolves who only gnawed a little arm were not satisfied at all, and blood and a small amount of food had already stimulated their nerves.

   Once this man was thrown in, the wolves all gathered around him and started to circle around him, making a low whimper.

   has only just begun, and they are not too afraid to come up directly.

   But when it was found that the prey did not have much resistance, the pack of wolves rushed up, and their ferocious claws slapped the man fiercely.

   The man screamed, desperately trying to escape, he grabbed the railing and shouted loudly: "Master Han, Master Han, please let me go, Master Han..."

   But it is of no use at all, and any desperadoes are just lambs to be slaughtered at this moment.

  The other five people were about to vomit. They licked their lives on the knife edge, but they had never seen such a scene.

   They didn't even know that they were thrown in and eaten first, and then they were thrown in and waited for more psychological torture. Which one was more terrifying and which one was more difficult to endure.

  The one that was eaten was still dying, crying for help, until a wolf stepped forward, snapped his neck, and bit him off.

   Shen Muhan lost interest in seeing it, and said lightly, "Lock up the five of them first, and then come and see when I'm free."

   These five people felt a little relieved as if they had been granted amnesty, but after a while, they also knew that this kind of psychological torture was even more terrifying, and the feeling of panic was more unbearable than death.

   The tip of his nose was full of the **** smell that made people vomit. Shen Muhan was dressed in off-white clothes, without any dust on it.

   (end of this chapter)

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