The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1557: with improved version

   Chapter 1557 with an improved version

  Suddenly, a chicken leg was placed in his rice bowl. Shen Ye thought it was Shen Jingyu or Chu Ning. He was about to look up to say thank you, but when he looked up, he found that the person serving him was actually Lele.

Lele was looking at him obediently, as if he was telling him to eat more, Shen Ye was so moved that he choked up, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if Lele doesn't call him uncle, if you have Lele's heart, uncle is also very happy. Satisfied. It turns out that I am not loved and loved by no one."

   Shen Jingyu took a large chopstick and stuffed it into his bowl: "When did no one love you and no one loved you? Eat!"

   "Big brother is right, the whole family loves me." Shen Ye lowered his head and happily buried his head in the rice.


  The days of calm and calm always pass by exceptionally fast.

   Soon, a few days passed.

  Chuning's injury is no longer serious under the careful care of Shen Jingyu. He can run and jump, and soon regain his former vitality.

  Master Chu's surgery was a success, and he recovered well. After getting out of the wheelchair, he can walk freely.

   Only Chu Zhuohang's recovery was slower. His legs were gunshot wounds, and it was delayed for a long time, so he still needed to recuperate at home.

   Most of the time, it was Chuning who helped him change his dressing.

   Fang Lan and the others couldn't touch his wounds too much, so they could barely take care of them, but it was difficult to deal with his wounds.

  Chu Zhuohang was discharged from the hospital and still lived in the place where he used to live. Master Chu and Lan Xi also lived in with him for convenience.

   On this day, Chu Ning and Shen Jingyu went to see him together.

   It was time for a dressing change, and Chu Ning wanted to help.

   Lord Chu smiled and said, "You can sit by the side and rest for a while. I'll change it for him. It's been hard work for you during this time."

   "It's not hard at all." Chu Ning smiled and squatted down to help, "As long as my brother can get well soon, that's my biggest wish."

   Outside the door, two cars came and drove in in unison.

  The servant came over and said, "Sir, madam, a doctor Gu and a doctor Liang are here."

   "Quickly invite them in." Lan Xi smiled.

  Gu Yunchen and Liang Yi came in together, and it seemed that they didn't make an appointment, so it was a bit surprising to see each other.

   They had greeted Master Chu and Lan Xi, and it was not easy to be presumptuous in front of their elders, so they had to endure it, and their attitude became very restrained.

  Especially Gu Yunchen, he obviously had a big belly to say, but he couldn't say a word, so he had to drink tea.

  Master Chu helped Chu Zhuohang to change the medicine, then stood up and said, "We still have something to do, you young people can talk slowly."

   After finishing speaking, he and Lan Xi went out together, leaving the space for them young people.

Sure enough, as soon as Master Chu and Lan Xi left, Gu Yunchen came forward with a face full of gossip and said, "How was the effect of Chu Zhuohang's medicine last time? I recorded your physical signs and didn't have any special reaction. Come on, I'll give it to you. Take your pulse."

   He grabbed Chu Zhuohang's hand, and there was nothing when he just grabbed it.

   But for a moment, Chu Zhuohang's forehead began to seep out fine sweat, and his face began to turn pale.

  Chuning hurriedly took Chu Zhuohang's hand and said, "Okay, okay, it's useless. You see my brother is already very uncomfortable."

   "It's okay." Chu Zhuohang smiled weakly, and Gu Yunchen was also kind.

   "Sure enough, there was something wrong with the formula last time, so I brought an improved version today. Dangdangdang..." Gu Yunchen showed another bottle of potion.

   (end of this chapter)

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