The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1571: friendship between men

   Chapter 1571 Friendship between men

   "Since my brother is fine, let's forget about this." Chu Ning couldn't bear the guilt of Liang Yi all the time.

  Liang Yi had some doubts in his heart. Since Gu Yunchen knew about such a situation, why didn't he bring it up directly?

   He wasn't like this before, he would say anything straight out of the box.

   But there is no point in continuing to entangle this matter, Liang Yi had to put it aside for the time being.

  Chuning accompanies Liang Yi to go shopping and relax.

  Chu Zhuohang went to see Gu Yunchen first.

Hearing that Chu Zhuohang was in trouble and had a relationship with a strange woman, Gu Yunchen was stunned at first, and then fell down with laughter: "Is there really such a thing? Hahahaha, Chu Zhuohang, should you thank me? , let you get rid of thirty years of virginity?"

   Shen Jingyu and He Yiming were both speechless, Gu Yunchen was able to laugh so happily about this kind of thing.

   "If you had said it earlier, this situation would not have happened." He Yiming said.

  Gu Yunchen admitted that he was indeed a bit unkind and did not say it in time, but it was precisely because he knew that this was a harmless side effect that would not kill people, so he also knew that the consequences of the matter were within the controllable range.

   "Forget it, don't thank me, you accompany Chu Zhuohang back and have a good rest."

   "Who said we came to you to thank you?" Shen Jing gave him a white look, "Are there any side effects of that drug? Also, how is the condition of skin disgust under control?"

  Gu Yunchen glanced at Chu Zhuohang, then reached out and probed his forehead.

   Soon, a slight sweat appeared on Chu Zhuohang's body, and after a few minutes, his face began to turn pale.

   Obviously, the effect of the drug is not so good.

Gu Yunchen spread his hands and said: "I said that the drug is not good, even if it is used for a short period of time, it will not be completely effective on the whole. Moreover, after Chu Zhuohang took the drug, it is impossible to take the drug I made before. The drug is gone, so we can only re-study it.”

  Chu Zhuohang's eyes darkened a bit.

   "But don't worry, I will continue to study." Gu Yunchen said, "I will talk about it later."

   Shen Jingyu frowned slightly.

  The matter has come to this point, and it can only be like this for the time being.

   He and He Yiming accompanied Chu Zhuohang back to the ward.

  Chu Zhuohang didn't look relaxed. He Yiming advised: "Although things are a little tortuous, fortunately nothing major happened. Let's wait for Yunchen's new medicine."

  Chu Zhuohang shook his head slightly: "I'm afraid of causing trouble to Chu Ning again."

   His symptoms have always been bad, and it will always be a drag on Chuning.

   But Chu Ning is so devoted to love and righteousness, and he has never let go of the people he loves.

   He was afraid that he would be a drag on Chuning.

   Shen Jingyu patted him on the shoulder and said nothing. The friendship between men has always been silent.

  Chuning walked with Liang Yi before saying goodbye to her.

  She came back to the hospital, and Shen Jingyu and He Yiming came out together.

   "Zhuo Hang is all right, don't worry." He Yiming saw his sister with a smile on his face.

   "Well, that's good. I'm afraid Liang Yi will think too much. She kept blaming herself just now."

   Everyone can see that it is not about Liang Yi, but Gu Yunchen seems to be to blame.

   It can only be regarded as a coincidence.

  He Yiming said with a smile: "No one blames her, she is just too strict with herself. Jingyu, you accompany Ningning home, and I will go back first."

   (end of this chapter)

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