Chapter 1595 is exactly the same

   He stretched out his hand to protect Chu Ning, only when he looked at their mother and son, his eyes became gentle.

  Yan Junhao supported the duke who was a little stunned and said, "Master Shen, my aunt has already had a paternity test done just now. The result is..."

   Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning's expressions suddenly froze.

   Duke, she finally did the appraisal, and it should be the blood that came out of Shen Jingyu's palm that she accidentally scratched before, right?

   Shen Jingyu looked at Yan Junhao calmly, but his heart was a little fluctuating.

   "Master Shen, you are my aunt's son." Yan Junhao spoke directly and told the matter.

   He felt sorry for his aunt and didn't want to see her doing stupid things again.

  Shen Jingyu looked at the duke, her appearance was plain, without any outstanding features, she was completely different from the phoenix ling in everyone's mouth.

   At this moment, her eyes are staring at Lele frantically, as if she wants to take Lele away at any time.

   Yan Junhao said, "Maybe it's because Young Master Ling looks a lot like Master Shen when he was a child. My aunt was stunned just now, so she went up to hug him directly."

  Chuning looked at Shen Jingyu subconsciously. Originally, the Duke was always denying it in the morning, but now he came to the door.

   Maybe Shen Jingyu will also have doubts, worried that this is just a misunderstanding or a conspiracy.

   After all, the person in front of him is so unlike Fengling.

   Sure enough, Shen Jingyu said calmly, "I know. I will check this matter."

   The mother in his heart has always been Ding Qinen, even if he knew that he was picked up by the Shen family a few years ago, this kind of feeling is difficult to change.

  Because the Shen family gave him his entire childhood, his education and everything came from them.

   And the Duke, looks so unfamiliar...

   "Aunt, aunt! Shen Jingyu is leaving. Your little treasure is leaving..." Yan Junhao reminded softly.

The Duke seemed to have woken up from a big dream. Suddenly, his eyes became clear and he looked at Shen Jingyu. The young man in front of him was completely different from the original Xiaobao. He was tall and tall, full of aura. The soft face has become angular, as if the lines carved out are very perfect and handsome.

   This is her little treasure, her son, who she has been mourning for so many years.

   "Jing Yu..." The Duke said, not as indifferent as before, but with boundless sadness, distress and nostalgia.

  Although the name was so unfamiliar that it was no longer his original name, her son finally stood in front of her alive.

   Shen Jingyu stood still, the Duke approached him and hugged him.

  Compared with the Duke's excitement and enthusiasm, his attitude seemed a little cold and very calm.

   He is a person with restrained feelings, not to mention that the Duke was not friendly to him before, and he also behaved annoyingly towards Shen Fengshan and Lele...

   Yan Junhao said, "Aunt, why don't we find a place to sit down and have a good chat."

The Duke    looked at Shen Jingyu expectantly.

   Shen Jingyu looked at Lele and frowned slightly: "Another day. I want to accompany Lele home first."

The Duke    glanced at Lele, she regained her sanity and knew that it should be Shen Jingyu's son. At this moment, she no longer had any doubts in her heart, Shen Jingyu was her son.

  Because of Lele, she looks exactly the same as Xiaobao and has not changed at all.

  Shen Jingyu felt distressed for Lele, and of course the Duke also felt distressed, nodded and said, "Okay, that Jingyu, we will meet tomorrow."

  【Everyone who reads the text is happy 520, be happy every day. On my official account [Sweet Similu], today I specially released a small brain hole theater of Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning. The uncle himself thinks it is super sweet, and the number of words is also more than 4,000 words. If you like it, you can directly Go to the official account to check, thank you for your continued support, thank you! 】

   (end of this chapter)

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