The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1704: Wife abuse is cool for a while, chasing wife crematorium

   Chapter 1704 Abusing his wife for a while, chasing his wife crematorium

   She breathed a sigh of relief and ran upstairs. Shen Jingyu was tying a tie. Chu Ning took it and helped him: "What's wrong with Dr. Gu?"

   "The confession was rejected, and I drank it all night. I let the servant watch it, but I didn't drink to death." Seeing Chu Ning, Shen Jingyu was in a good mood, and lowered her head and kissed her, "Why did you come back so early today?"

"Liang Yi went to the team research institute, because Wen Huiming and his mother refused to leave, and they kept coming to her, she didn't want to see them. The matter was left to Lawyer Nie to handle. After I sent Liang Yi to the airport, I hurried back immediately. Now, for the earliest flight, her heart was very anxious and she was eager to leave."

  Shen Jingyu said, "Then Gu Yunchen probably has to drink for another day today."

   "So...does Dr. Gu really like Liang Yi?" Chu Ning couldn't believe it. He liked Liang Yi so much, why was he still angry with her? He always looks like he has a bad temper and wants Liang Yi to coax him?

   Shen Jingyu hugged Chu Ning: "It should be."

   "I really didn't see it. I thought he hated Liang Yi. Well, now it's alright, he's gone, and he doesn't trust him at all..."

  Shen Jingyu said objectively: "The so-called wife abuse is good for a while, chasing the wife's crematorium is almost like this."

   " do you understand so well?" Chu Ning couldn't help laughing.

   When they came downstairs, Gu Yunchen was still lying on the sofa with wine bottles beside him.

Although Shen Jingyu didn't care about him, he actually arranged for someone to take care of him. He finally woke up slowly from the hangover. When he saw Chu Ning, he immediately looked behind her, but he didn't see Liang Yi. He was disappointed: "Where's Liang Yi?"

   "Go, go to work."

  Gu Yunchen took a few steps forward and pulled Chuning's hand: "Tell me, why did you accept Shen Jingyu in the first place?"

   He was very embarrassed, full of alcohol smell, blue eyes, like a devil, Shen Jingyu stopped him and didn't allow him to touch Chu Ning.

Chu Ning smiled softly: "Because he is good to me and promises that we have a future together. The most important thing is that I like him, I like him very much, so it is not that I accept him, but I also like him very much and want him to accept me. ."

   When Shen Jingyu heard her words, her heart was full, and she hugged her tighter. His little woman is really sweet and cute.

  Gu Yunchen sat back on the sofa in despair, does this mean that there is no hope.

Chu Ning looked at Gu Yunchen seriously: "Doctor Gu, if a man always loses his temper with me, he always thinks that I'm not doing well here and there, yelling at me in front of outsiders and throwing my face, even if I No matter how much you like him, you may be able to avoid him. Also, it's hard for me to believe that a mature man would like me in this way, do you understand?"

  Gu Yunchen was stunned for a while, thinking of his attitude towards Liang Yi in recent years, isn't that what Chu Ning said? She would show her face at every turn, and the whole world had already been surging in her heart, but what she showed was her disgust and impatience.

   So it's no wonder that Liang Yi would accept himself like this?

   He flew and ran out.

   "Hey, Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu, don't worry too much..." Chu Ning shouted.

   "Let him go."

   "But he drank a lot, so it's dangerous to go out like this. If something happens to him, what will Liang Yi do?"

   Shen Jingyu called the housekeeper over and asked him to arrange the driver to accompany Gu Yunchen.

   (end of this chapter)

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