The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1710: Can't get over this hurdle

   Chapter 1710 Can't get over this hurdle

   "Liang Yi, you have feelings for me, don't you? You like me too, don't you?" Gu Yunchen noticed her change, and his heart was full of surprises.

   "Boring." Liang Yi grabbed her suitcase and entered the elevator, her heart was beating wildly, she seemed to really feel Gu Yunchen differently than before.

In her mind, Wen Huiming almost disappeared. In less than two months, she seldom thinks of Wen Huiming anymore. Does it mean that she is also inherently scum, if she encounters the right opportunity , will also cheat like Wen Huiming?

  Liang Yi rubbed her fingers crampedly. This kind of moral and conscience torture made her unable to overcome this hurdle.

  Gu Yunchen followed her in and followed her all the time.

   "Go back first. I want to be alone." Liang Yi's heart couldn't calm down at all, she just wanted to stay for a while and think clearly about these things.

  Gu Yunchen was reluctant to leave at all. He was afraid that Liang Yi would agree to Wen Huiming's rude demands and reconcile with him. He was also afraid that Liang Yi would have other suitors and take her away again one step ahead of him.

   He was also afraid that she would leave and go to a place he could not find...

   "I seem to be sick and can't stand up..." Gu Yunchen fell directly on the sofa.

  Liang Yi was startled, and hurried forward to check on him: "What's wrong? What's the problem?"

   "It's so uncomfortable..." Gu Yunchen said weakly, "I can't move..."

   "I made an emergency call."

   "Doctor Liang, you are a doctor yourself." Gu Yunchen reminded.

  Liang Yi was right when he thought about it, why did he panic when he met him?

   She hurriedly measured him, performed a simple test, and found that there was no major problem.

   Gu Yunchen enjoyed the feeling of her fingers brushing his skin, so he could lie on the sofa for a whole year.

   It seems that with her, everything in his world can be changed.

   He doesn't like being free and unrestrained, just because his world doesn't have her, he will be like that.

  If there is her, he would rather be controlled by others, go home to eat obediently, and accompany her to do everything she wants to do.

   "Maybe you've been busy for a month and you're a little tired. You should lie down and rest for a while. I'll go and cook something for you." Liang Yi said gently.

   "Well." Gu Yunchen lay down obediently.

  Liang Yi was busy in the kitchen, and soon brought a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and said, "You can eat a little bit, and go home early. If you haven't come back for a month, your uncle and aunt must miss you too."

   "Then you promise me to go to my house for dinner tomorrow." Gu Yunchen said.

   "Meet your parents?" Liang Yi immediately shook his head, "I won't go, I won't go. I haven't divorced yet, and I'm not ready for anything, how can I go see your parents?"

   Gu Yunchen suddenly smiled, and the smile on his face was extremely bright. Only then did Liang Yi realize that what he meant just now was that he was afraid of seeing his parents, not that he didn't want to see his parents.

   She herself was slightly startled, and she was actually seriously thinking about her affairs with him.

   She put down the porridge, her face darkened: "Go back quickly after eating."

   After she finished speaking, she went straight back to her room, closed the door, leaned against the door, her body slowly slid down, she had really started to accept Gu Yunchen slowly.

   But reason does not allow her to make such a decision.

   (end of this chapter)

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