The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1715: ignorance and vanity

   Chapter 1715 Ignorance and Vanity

He Jiaojiao remembered that that person was Gu Yunchen, who seemed to be a famous doctor in Jingyuan Huo Huo, and was very respected. No matter how powerful and powerful people were, they would give him some face, and even the Fu family dared not do anything to him. Like, because no one knows when to ask for his name.

   In such a comparison, Wen Huiming is a bit underwhelming.

   Moreover, Gu Yunchen was still willing to marry Liang Yi, but Wen Huiming never said that he wanted to marry her.

"Hui Ming, when will we get married? You and Liang Yi are divorced. You see that she is getting married again so soon. Maybe she has already hooked up with other men behind your back, so let's get married sooner. "

   "Wait until you give birth." Wen Huiming couldn't hide his temper.

Apart from being younger, He Jiaojiao is not comparable to Liang Yi at all. Even if she is brought out, Liang Yi is from a famous family, and she is also outstanding in ability and praised by others. Compared with He Jiaojiao, she has a bad background and is very cultivated and knowledgeable. Shallow, some can't handle it at all.

   The reason why he brought He Jiaojiao out today was to show Liang Yi a good look.

  Who knows, in front of Liang Yi, he has no face.

   Looking at He Jiaojiao's appearance, he was even more irritable.

  He Jiaojiao also felt his temper and didn't dare to say more.

  The birthday party officially started.

  Professor Li delivered a speech and thanked everyone for coming to join in. He expressed his sincere gratitude to all the guests, and highlighted Shen Jingyu, Gu Yunchen, Liang Yi and others.

  He Yiming, because it was a critical period for Ye Shu to raise a baby, he only entrusted someone to bring gifts and blessings, but did not come in person.

  Professor Li also knew that he was eager to take care of his pregnant wife and made fun of him.

   Then, everyone sent gifts.

   Receiving the gifts from Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, Professor Li was very happy and thanked him repeatedly.

  Liang Yi and Gu Yunchen also brought gifts up, Professor Li smiled and said, "You two, it's been a long time since you came to see my old man. Stay a while and chat with me."

   "Professor Li, this is a gift from Huiming and I to you." He Jiaojiao stood up and said.

   She has a big belly and is particularly conspicuous, making it difficult for people not to look at her.

   Many people have recognized her as Wen Huiming's mistress. The recent divorce between Wen Huiming and Liang Yi has caused a lot of uproar, and basically everyone who knows it knows it.

   Although Wen Huiming's face was dull, he thought of the child in He Jiaojiao's belly and endured it. He could no longer keep Liang Yi, so he could only coax He Jiaojiao first.

  Professor Li glanced at He Jiaojiao, "This is..."

   "I'm Hui Ming's new wife, Professor Li, and my name is He Jiaojiao." He Jiaojiao said hurriedly.

  Professor Li gave her a very kind look: "Pregnant women are not suitable for wearing so much jewelry, it is not good for adults and fetuses."

   Those who are familiar with Professor Li know that he is a very kind person, and he speaks directly when he has anything to say.

   This reminder, if you say it to any other person, everyone will feel nothing.

   But when he said this to He Jiaojiao, many people snickered, as if they were mocking He Jiaojiao's ignorance and vanity.

  Wen Huiming's face was suddenly a little sluggish, and He Jiaojiao's smile was a little stiff.

   But He Jiaojiao didn't want to be knocked down so soon. In this kind of social situation, she must stand on a good footing, so that she can gain a higher reputation in the future, and then she can get everything she has in the Wen family.

   (end of this chapter)

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