The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1723: how much do you know

   Chapter 1723 How much do you know

  Gu Yunchen quickly chased after her and grabbed her wrist: "Liang Yi, I'm really sorry, I didn't know my parents would bring Fu Qian back..."

   "It's alright, you let me stay for a while. I want to be quiet." Liang Yi said calmly.

   "I'll accompany you." Gu Yunchen said immediately.

   "You don't need to accompany me! Just go! I just want to be alone!" Liang Yi suddenly got angry, pushed him away, turned around and ran out.

   "Liang Yi! Liang Yi!"


   Fu Qian was also very embarrassed, Liang Yi was actually with Gu Yunchen.

   Then if she wants to have a good relationship with the Gu family, she will have to use other methods.

   "Sorry, uncle and aunt, I came to visit today and caused you too much trouble. I really don't know the relationship between Yunchen and Liang Yi..." Fu Qian said sensible.

   "It's alright, it's all about Yunchen's ignorance." Mother Gu was also very sorry.

   "Uncle and aunt, then I will visit you next time and leave today." Fu Qian said gently, her eyes slightly red.

  Gu's father and Gu's mother really felt that they owed her a lot, and it was not good to keep her any longer, so she had to send her out.

   "How much do you know about Yunchen?" Mother Gu grabbed Gu Baoyan and asked.

"I don't know anything. I don't know anything at all." Gu Baoyan said, "But I think that Sister Liang Yi is very good. She used to play with us when I was a child, and she always made delicious food for us. Career and emotional match, what do you think?"

  Gu's father and Gu's mother looked at each other, "But she just got divorced."

   "What happened to the divorce? The divorce is also her husband's fault, don't you know? If you are divorced, you will not be a good woman?" Gu Baoyan asked rhetorically.

   Gu's father and Gu's mother are embarrassed. It makes sense, he likes Liang Yi very much, but to let a girl who has just divorced be his daughter-in-law, he always feels that he is indebted to his son.

   "Our family Yunchen is so good, what kind of good girl do you want? Liang Yi, after all..." Mother Gu was always a little concerned.

  Gu Baoyan sat down to eat: "No matter how many good girls there are, you have to want your son to like it."

  Gu's father and Gu's mother think this is very reasonable. To be honest, they have always been busy, and they have little control over their sons and daughters, but their daughters are obedient.

   But as for the son, they have never settled down, which really broke their hearts.

   This is 30 years old. Gu Yunchen is the same age as Shen Jingyu and He Yiming. Seeing that everyone else is running around with children, Gu Yunchen still looks like this.

  Gu Baoyan said, "If your parents feel embarrassed to say so, let me help you find Sister Liang Yi. Anyway, I think if my eldest brother misses out again, I'm afraid he will have to wait until he is forty years old."

   Mother Gu said hurriedly: "Cheng Chengcheng, as long as he likes it, we will support it. We have nothing to say, as long as they live well."

  Gu Baoyan smiled: "That's good."


  Liang Yi walked forward, after all, he couldn't help but turn his head, but Gu Yunchen didn't catch up.

   She chuckled, her heart was empty, but her eyes couldn't hide the loss.

   walked slowly along the road, the night became darker and darker, and the bottom of her heart slowly sank.

  I don’t know where to go, where to go.

   Walking on, the road was getting darker and darker, Liang Yi suddenly woke up and felt a trace of fear.

   (end of this chapter)

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