The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1725: i want to see you too

   Chapter 1725 I want to see you too

Gu Yunchen said calmly: "Parents don't need to talk, my attitude is very firm. I have liked Liang Yizhen for many years. I used to be young and ignorant and I missed it, but this time, I will definitely not. Let you all be disappointed. It's so sad, I hope you can understand me, I've been here for the next few decades, not you, and I don't want to arrange my life for the rest of my life according to the mate you asked for."

Mother Gu smiled: "You child. We haven't said whether we will agree or not. I have discussed it with your father seriously. Liang Yi is a good girl. If you like her, then you should be with her. We all support you. Yunchen, we are always busy, and we take care of you and Baoyan too little... Now that you can live your own life according to your own ideas, your father and I are very happy."

   "Mom, thank you!" Gu Yunchen didn't expect that they would accept it so quickly.

   He really had too little communication with his parents, and he actually didn’t understand what kind of people his parents were.

   But now he knows, maybe they may be arbitrary and less concerned about his emotions, but they will always be the ones who love him the most and hope he can live well.

   "Then tomorrow night, your dad and I will also find time to be at home. You ask Liang Yi to come over and let's have dinner together." Mother Gu said with a smile.

  Gu Yunchen nodded seriously: "Well. I'll go tell her now."

  Gu Baoyan ran over: "Brother, you want to invite me to dinner, because I also helped you and sister Liang Yi have good things to say."

   "Okay, you can eat anything." Gu Yunchen rubbed her hair.

   "Hotpot, ten meals! I'll take my boyfriend with me!"

   "It's fine!" Gu Yunchen walked out while putting on his shoes.

  Liang Yi was already lying down, and when he heard a knock on the door, he got up again and opened the door.

   It was Gu Yunchen who came, he hugged her and buried his head in her shoulder, but he couldn't calm down his panting.

   "Why did you come back so late? The car is driving fast, right?" Liang Yi said worriedly.

"My parents said that they were very happy that I was with you. Before we communicated too little, we didn't know each other's thoughts. They liked you very much, and they also told you to go home for dinner tomorrow night. "Gu Yunchen said happily.

  Liang Yi showed a happy smile, did the parents really agree?

   This joy came too quickly, filling her heart with joy, but she said reproachfully: "You, just call and tell me, I will be worried about driving at such a big night."

   "I want to tell you personally. Besides, I also want to see you." Gu Yunchen kissed her lips and pushed her into the room.

   After Gu Yunchen and Liang Yi confirmed their relationship, they soon entered the honey love period.

   The two are actually very familiar with each other. They know each other's personalities and hobbies very well.

   After confirming the relationship, Gu Yunchen could hardly wait for the whole world to know about it, so he made a special call to inform his friends, and they all came to his dinner.

  I don't know, I thought he was going to invite a wedding wine.

"Liang Yi!" Chu Ning ran over and took her hand, looking at all the romantic arrangements around him, he couldn't help but envy, "I didn't expect Doctor Gu to be serious, he's really good at romance. I thought he only knew how to do research and see a doctor."

   (end of this chapter)

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