Chapter 1732 A chill full of smile

   He was so impatient that he drove faster.

   Qin Zheng called: "Master Shen, Master Chu is here too. He called me just now to say that he was looking for the young mistress, and when he heard the news, he rushed over without stopping."

   "Let him go." Shen Jingyu was not in the mood to pay attention to this kind of thing at the moment, he just wanted to find Chu Ning as soon as possible.

Now Chu Ning's signal has disappeared, but he can only temporarily go to the place where Chu Ning was located. He was afraid that someone blocked the signal and something happened to Chu Ning, so he notified his subordinates to check, while speeding up. Go over there.

  Chu Zhuohang's car also headed here.

   And halfway through, Shen Jingyu received an address telling him where Chu Ning was, which happened to be the same as the one he found out.

   He frowned slightly, and even accelerated.

   When Shen Jingyu arrived, he saw a car parked outside the villa from a distance, he recognized it was Shen Muhan's car, and Meifeng locked it in one place.

   Shen Muhan is actually here? What is he doing here?

  Shen Jingyu got out of the car and strode inside.

   It was Shen Muhan who came out with Chu Ning in his arms.

  Chuning was wrapped in a quilt and couldn't see what she looked like, but the flushing on her face and the messy hair could tell that she was in a bad state.

   And you can see at a glance what she is going through...

  Shen Jingyu's body was so cold that he could detect the icy aura, he strode forward, his face full of gloomy coldness.

  Things, did Shen Muhan do it?

   "Shen Muhan!" Shen Jingyu gritted his teeth, but he didn't swing his fist out, because at the moment Shen Muhan was still holding Chu Ning in his hand.

  If Shen Muhan is knocked down, Chu Ning will also fall to the ground.

   Shen Jingyu stretched out his hand and snatched Chu Ning over and hugged him tightly, but his palm clenched tightly.

  Shen Muhan is a person who is too lazy to explain, and doesn't bother to make these explanations. He pouted and walked out.

   "Shen Muhan!" A figure rushed over.

   Not Shen Jingyu, but Chu Zhuohang.

   He got the news a little later and came straight here, later than Shen Jingyu, but not much later.

  Seeing the situation in front of him and seeing the grievances that Chu Ning suffered, Chu Zhuohang was not angry, he rushed over, threw Shen Muhan to the ground, and punched Shen Muhan in the face.

   How could Shen Muhan suffer from his indiscriminate grievances? He raised his fist and fought back fiercely.

   And Shen Jingyu hugged Chu Ning and strode towards the car.

Chu Ning's current state is very wrong. It has burned like a fireball. He doesn't know what Shen Muhan has done, and whether he has ever met Chu Ning. He only knows that Chu Ning cannot be allowed to go on like this. will suffer great damage.

   And the only thing he cares about is not being able to hurt her, and everything else can only be postponed.

   He carried Chu Ning into the car, went straight into the back row, and lifted the quilt over her.

  Chu Zhuohang and Shen Muhan were still fighting in the same place, and the two of them were on equal footing, and the fight was indistinguishable.

   But because of his own illness, Chu Zhuohang fell into the downwind in a short while, sweat kept coming out of his body, and his face began to turn pale.

   His body also began to show a weak and sluggish side.

  Although Shen Muhan hung up the paint, seeing such a situation, he showed a chilling smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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