The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1747: What happened when I saw you?

   Chapter 1747 What happened to seeing you?

  Gu Yunchen is drinking with friends, "Come here, have another drink. After drinking this time, I don't know when I will be able to come back next time."

   "Doctor Gu, are you really leaving?"

   The friends and colleagues of the Gu Yunchen Institute who drank with him.

"Yeah, here, I've handed over the responsibility to a special person. You guys still stay here, do the research you need to do, the incurable diseases of the research, continue to research, and call me if you're not sure. And I , I'm going to a remote place to support the country's construction. It's very hard there, and there may be fewer opportunities to drink and make skewers. But it doesn't matter, every time I come back, I'll come to drink with you. "

  Gu Yunchen raised his glass, obviously drunk.

A colleague asked: "Dr. Gu, why are you going there? Isn't it good here? You like to drink and drive, so what do you do in that kind of place? Besides, you are here, and you are famous. Everyone admires you, why bother?"

   "It's not bitter." Gu Yunchen shook his head and poured another glass, "Because my favorite woman is over there. After I go there, I can be with her all the time."

   "Oh, it turns out that Doctor Gu also has such an affectionate side." Everyone couldn't help booing, "Which girl is so lucky to be loved by our Doctor Gu? When will you bring her out to meet everyone."

   "Next time, next time."

  Gu Yunchen finished drinking and called Shen Jingyu again. Hearing that he was still in the office, he drove to Shen Jingyu's office.

   Seeing him barging in drunk, Shen Jingyu disliked it very much: "Qin Zheng, why didn't you stop him?"

   "I'll send Dr. Gu out immediately." Qin Zheng was also very wronged, and he had to dare to stop him.

   He also didn't want to offend Doctor Gu. Last time his mother was very ill, and no hospital dared to admit it. It was Dr. Gu who saved his mother from the brink of life and death.

   When Qin Zheng treated Gu Yunchen, it was one hundred admiration, one thousand gratitude, and ten thousand obedience.

   "Doctor Gu, I'll take you home. You drink a lot, so it's not suitable to stay here." Qin Zheng said in a very soft voice.

  Gu Yunchen said crookedly, "Shen Jingyu, I'm leaving, what's wrong with seeing you?"

   Qin Zheng was busy supporting him: "Master Shen has been busy these two days, how about Doctor Gu..."

   "Let him come in." Shen Jingyu said.

   Qin Zheng hurriedly helped Gu Yunchen in, sat down in the seat opposite Shen Jingyu, poured a glass of water for Gu Yunchen, and then closed the door and walked out of the office.

   "Shen Jingyu, you used to fund my research lab, and I let a reliable person manage it. I, I'm going... going to..."

   "Where to go?" Shen Jingyu asked.

  Gu Yunchen drank too much and lay on the table, his face flushed and his hair scattered. The mess made Shen Jingyu, the cleanliness addict very uncomfortable.

   "Qin Zheng!"

   Qin Zheng walked in and said, "Master Shen."

   "Gu Yunchen is drunk, see if you should send him home or inform Liang Yi." Shen Jingyu said.

Qin Zheng was about to help Gu Yunchen to leave, when Shen Jingyu said, "Forget it, if he goes to see Liang Yi like this, Liang Yi will probably kill him. You should find a place to stay for one night, find someone to take care of him, and wait for him. Let's talk when you're sober."

   Qin Zheng responded immediately, there is a hotel outside the group that entertains guests, which belongs to the Shen group, which is convenient and safe.

   (end of this chapter)

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