Chapter 1755 So shameless

   Mother Wen was really angry about this.

   She coughed lightly, reminding Liang Yi.

   If it were the former Liang Yi, she would have come forward to greet everyone when she heard this cough. She respects everyone in Wen Huiming's family, even if Wen's mother sometimes has a bad attitude, Liang Yi doesn't take it to heart.

   But now that she has long since separated from the Wen family, and now she is chatting with Chu Ning, how can she pay attention to whether Mother Wen has come in?

   "Cough cough." Mother Wen continued to cough twice.

  He Jiaojiao hurriedly said, "Auntie, are you feeling unwell? Why don't I accompany you to sit outside for a while and have some hot drinks?"

  Liang Yi heard their conversation, and only then noticed that Mother Wen was here. Except for the divorce, she and Mother Wen were a little bit festive, but they were always polite to each other because they were far away.

  Liang Yi gently nodded to her as a greeting.

   Mother Wen was a little unhappy in her heart.

   She said to He Jiaojiao, "It's nothing, let's just take a look here."

He Jiaojiao immediately accompanied Mother Wen to look. Last time, she wanted to slap Liang Yi in the face, but ended up making a fool of herself at Professor Li's birthday party. Today, she doesn't plan to be such an early bird, she will look at things honestly first. .

   Chu Ning and Liang Yi's words, although very quiet, still couldn't stop digging into Mother Wen's ears.

   "Liang Yi, let's wrap this in a gift box and take it out on the night of your wedding." Chu Ning suggested another thing after seeing another thing.

   "Okay." Liang Yi was looking forward to it. When he opens some of the things he bought, it will add a lot of color to the room.

   Mother Wen's face changed slightly: "Jiaojiao, Liang Yi is getting married?"

  He Jiaojiao seemed to want to say something but didn't dare to say it, and said, "Auntie, don't be angry. I heard it occasionally before, I don't know if it's true or not, so I didn't dare to tell you."

"What is there to dare, say!" Mother Wen was really angry, "She and Huiming have only been divorced for a few days, so she dares to look like this? You and Huiming are not married yet, but she is so good that she to get married."

"Auntie, she is going to marry Gu Yunchen. In fact, before she divorced Huiming, she was not sure about Gu Yunchen. I heard that they were still young and grew up together. There are so many tricks. During their marriage with Huiming, they should have maintained that kind of cowardly relationship... I have long felt that something was wrong between them, so in fact, maybe she was sorry for Huiming first. It's just Huiming She is so kind-hearted. Not only did she not embarrass her, but she still thinks of her well. But she is good. She really doesn't care about the Wen family's face at all. Now she is about to get married. Look This stance may have to be done in a big way.”

   Mother Wen was really angry when she heard these words.

   She has always known how long Gu Yunchen and Liang Yi have known each other. They may have known each other since they were born.

   Mother Wen didn't think about this aspect before, but now that she thinks about it, the more she thinks about it, the more it feels wrong.

   The relationship between Liang Yi and Gu Yunchen is really ambiguous, and there should be clues long ago.

  Thanks to her, she still felt that the Wen family owed Liang Yi this time. Who knew that it was Liang Yi, a woman who was so shameless.

   (end of this chapter)

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