The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1757: buy pregnancy test sticks

   Chapter 1757 Buying a pregnancy test stick

  Chuning saw that Liang Yi didn't refute and didn't know the inside story, so he wanted to save the situation for Liang Yi.

   She sarcastically said: "Whether or not you can have children is up to you. What does it have to do with you? Some families should worry about whether the upcoming child is of their own blood."

   "What do you mean?" He Jiaojiao suddenly exploded!

   Chu Ning's words were directly hitting her in the face, saying that her child was not from the Wen family.

   This is what He Jiaojiao is most worried about. She is just afraid that the Wen family will not admit it. Now that she has finally let Mother Wen relax, how could she be planted here?

   "Mom, this Chu Ning really likes to talk nonsense, don't listen to her nonsense. A woman like her will be ripped off when she goes out." He Jiao said coquettishly.

  Chuning shrugged: "Have I told you about you, you will answer? You name me, but I can sue you for slander."

  He Jiaojiao was so frightened that she hurried back to Mother Wen and said, "Mom, look at how arrogant they are."

   Mother Wen really doesn't like Chuning very much, especially the way she helps Liang Yi, which is really annoying.

   Mother Wen said, "Don't be afraid, Mom believes in you. Let's go, we don't have the same knowledge as this kind of woman. We Wen family, entangled with this kind of person, will lose face."

Chu Ning smiled: "Liang Yi, don't you think that sometimes when you go out, you really need to look at the calendar, otherwise, if you encounter a wild dog, it will come out to bite people casually, which is really annoying. This is a good shopping mall. Seriously, to allow wild dogs to come in casually, the consumption environment for us is too bad, but fortunately the things here are good, so I can forgive the poor management of this place."

  Liang Yi smiled and said, "Yeah, next time we have an appointment, let's find a well-managed store to go shopping, so as not to be bitten, and we haven't dealt with it yet."

   "Yes, yes, this dog bites people is really a headache, and you can't hit them, otherwise people will say that we don't care for animals." Chu Ning echoed.

   These words are obviously scolding Sang and scolding Huai, but they did it on purpose. How could Mother Wen and He Jiaojiao come up to trample them casually, and they couldn't fight back?

Mother Wen and He Jiao were trembling with anger, but one wanted to maintain his face as an intellectual woman, and the other wanted to maintain his image in front of Mother Wen. Putting all his thoughts away, his face turned red, white and blue, which made people look funny.

   "Mom, let's go, we're too lazy to get to know them in general." He Jiaojiao hugged Mother Wen and walked out quickly.

  Chuning looked at the figures they left in a hurry, and couldn't help laughing: "Liang Yi, let's go, let's go see something else."

   Even Mother Wen's words could not affect their good mood.

   After shopping, Liang Yi said, "Chuning, you accompany me to buy something."

   "Okay." Chu Ning followed her. Seeing that she was going to the pharmacy, she couldn't help but ask, "What are you buying? Are you feeling unwell?"

   "Buy a pregnancy test stick."

  Chuning was pleasantly surprised: "Liang Yi, are you pregnant?"

"I'm not very sure, but they reminded me just now that I remembered that my period was indeed a few days late. Speaking of which, it's time to check. If I were a doctor, I wouldn't even know that I was pregnant, said Going out is a joke." Liang Yi said with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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