The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1766: absolute protagonist

   Chapter 1766 The absolute protagonist

   Before, He Jiaojiao had attended countless weddings and dinner parties full of dignitaries, but none of them had been as proud as today.

  Because today, she is the absolute protagonist.

  Wearing a wedding dress and exquisite makeup, she shuttled among the guests like a duck to water.

   Holding his stomach up, he seemed to be proclaiming that he was the lucky star of the Wen family. After all, Wen Huiming was in his thirties and had never had children.

   As soon as she entered the door, she was pregnant with such an old son, so she was naturally a servant of merit.

   Indeed, many guests kept praising Wen Huiming and Mother Wen's good fortune, He Jiaojiao and Yourongyan because of this.

   was receiving guests. From a distance, the tall and beautiful Fu Meirou walked in with the support of everyone. He Jiaojiao hurriedly greeted her: "Miss Fu. Thank you for coming in person. Thank you very much."

   Fu Meirou's appearance, of course, gave her the best face, and put gold on her face, He Jiaojiao took her hand with joy.

  Fu Meirou showed a generous smile: "Congratulations to you and Huiming, Jiaojiao. This is a gift for you, please accept it. I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

After   , Fu Meirou deliberately distanced herself from He Jiaojiao.

   The reason why she was nice to He Jiaojiao was because she wanted to win over Wen Huiming.

   But in public, Fu Meirou didn't want people to know her taste, and it turned out to be a relationship with people like He Jiaojiao.

  He Jiaojiao, it's okay to be a little follower.

  Want to be sisters with Fu Meirou? What a joke.

  Fu Meirou sat down, and Mother Wen came over to chat with Fu Meirou. When Fu Meirou heard the discussion about Liang Yi's marriage all around, she could not help frowning slightly and asked, "Liang Yi is also getting married today?"

   "Yeah, it's next door." Mother Wen smiled, "It's a coincidence, I didn't expect that the two of them would remarry at the same time, or Liang Yi found her own happiness, I wish her well."

  Fu Meirou heard the discussion around, all of which were talking about Liang Yi's shamelessness. Someone whispered, "You don't know, Liang Yi just divorced Hui Ming and got pregnant with a child and wanted to get married. It's really tsk tsk tsk."

   "So soon? I don't think it's a marital affair, right?"

   "Hey hey, in my opinion, maybe the child is still Huiming's."

   They were talking like this, and they never thought about it. The children of Wen Huiming and He Jiaojiao were about to be born, and it was obvious who cheated.

   Sure enough, no matter when, the focus of everyone's discussion tends to fall on women.

  Women are born in the environment of public opinion and occupy a disadvantaged position.

Wen's mother was well-intentioned, and things went in the direction she expected. As soon as she heard so many people's comments, Wen's mother became unpredictable and picked herself clean. All dirty water is a beam. You should bear it yourself.

   Fu Meirou smiled slightly: "I heard that Liang Yi talked to Gu Yunchen? Is the marriage partner also Gu Yunchen?"

   "Yes." Mother Wen replied casually.

   Many of the guests heard the name Gu Yunchen, and they couldn't sit still.

  Many people are willing to make friends with Gu Yunchen, especially some old, rich and powerful people, who might be able to rely on Gu Yunchen to save their lives one day.

   As soon as he heard that the person who married Liang Yi was Gu Yunchen, he naturally stopped criticizing Liang Yi.

   Almost everyone knew that Gu Yunchen and Liang Yi were childhood sweethearts, and they seemed to have a logical feeling when they were together.

   (end of this chapter)

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