Chapter 1771 Distressed

   He Jiaojiao stepped forward, stretched out her sinister hand, and shoved the child into the water.

   The child was only a few years old, and one fell into the swimming pool unsteadily. After splashing a little in the water, his body sank straight into the water, and he was about to sink.

   After all, he didn't dare to do anything to Shen Jingyu's child. He Jiaojiao shouted loudly, "Somebody, somebody! Help. Someone got the child into the water."

  Chu Ning just chatted with Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang, just happened to pass by this way, and immediately ran towards it.

  He Jiaojiao was overjoyed, Chu Ning came here by coincidence, heaven has a way, you don't go, **** has no door, you break in.

   She was worried that she could not find a chance to frame Chu Ning, now Chu Ning is here!

   "Hurry up and save people! It seems that Lele from Lord Shen's house fell into the water!" He Jiaojiao shouted loudly, for fear that Chu Ning would not be able to come, and named the person who fell into the water as Lele.

   Hearing that a child fell into the water, whether it was Lele or not, Chu Ning was very distressed, and he didn't care that he was pregnant, so he jumped into the pool immediately, grabbed the child, and lifted him out.

  The people around heard He Jiaojiao's voice and ran over to join in the rescue.

  Chu Zhuohang and Shen Jingyu saw that it was actually Chu Ning in the water, they jumped into the water without thinking, one saved the child and the other saved Chu Ning.

   Soon, the two brought them back to shore.

  Chuning did not drown, and it was not difficult for her to save a child.

   As soon as she came up, she immediately said distressed: "I'm okay, Jing Yu, brother, you guys save the child immediately."

   She had already seen clearly that this child was not her own son Lele, but the child of the guest's family, but she was dressed very fashionably and looked somewhat similar to Lele.

   But whether it was his own child or not, after he was rescued, Chu Ning felt very at ease and hoped that the child would be fine.

   "I'm here, I'm here. Everyone, get out of the way, leave some air for the child, don't block it!" Someone immediately stepped forward to give the child first aid, and many people came forward with concern.

  Shen Jingyu looks like this, he can't help much by staying here. There are quite a lot of doctors present today. They are more professional than himself. Let's leave professional things to professional people.

   Turned his head to see Chu Ning's soaked clothes, his eyes flashed with pity.

  Someone also brought a towel in time, Shen Jingyu took it, wrapped Chu Ning in his arms, and took her away.

   Seeing her like this, he was really distressed: "Next time you encounter such a thing, don't jump in by yourself."

"When I saw the child falling into the water, my heart lifted. Although it's not our son, other people's children are also children. If our children encounter similar things, I also hope that someone can help them without risking their lives. They." Chu Ning said softly.

   Shen Jingyu said distressedly: "You are right, but I still feel distressed. I'll take you back to change clothes first."

   There were a bunch of people around the pool, and someone asked loudly, "What happened? What's going on?"

   He Jiaojiao said in a low voice, "It was Chu Ning... I saw her pushing the child in. This child is Lord Shen's son. It seems that she is a little dissatisfied with Lord Shen's previous child. She is pregnant again, so..."

   (end of this chapter)

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