Chapter 1776 Are you dumb?

   Everyone really felt very surprised when they heard what Gu Yunchen said.

   Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, and they say different things.

   Someone whispered: "I have never heard of Chu Ning's name before. She has only been active in Jingyuan this year. How come there are three of Shen's children all of a sudden? It's really strange."

   "That's right, Master Shen used to have a wife, do you remember?"

   "Yes, yes, Lord Shen's wife was not Chu Ning before."

   But more people said, "Are you going to doubt even Doctor Gu's words? When has Doctor Gu ever lied and deceived everyone?"

   "That's right, there's no need for Dr. Gu to deceive us. There's no need for Master Shen either."

   They looked at Gu Yunchen's face again, and looked at Shen Jingyu's face seriously.

   Gu Yunchen's expression was firm, while Shen Jingyu's eyes were deep and his attitude was firm, and he was accompanying Chu Ning tenderly and dotingly. There was absolutely no falsehood in his feelings for Chu Ning.

   Everyone thought about it carefully. Although Gu Yunchen's words were surprising, they seemed to be so appropriate, as if that was the case.

Think about it, these days, since Chu Ning appeared, there is no other woman besides Chu Ning around Master Shen. When Master Shen attends various public events, the female companions around him must also be Chu Ning. Nothing has changed.

   These three children of Master Shen, don't they often appear by Chu Ning's side, smiling one by one?

   If it wasn't for Chu Ning's biological child, how could he have such a good relationship with Chu Ning?

  Gu Yunchen continued: "The three children are named Shen Yu'an, Shen Jingle, and Chu Pingyao. They follow the surnames of Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning respectively. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?"

   Everyone suddenly realized that these three names could not be more clearly explained the situation of the children's parents, and they had the greatest persuasive power.

   No one questioned, these three children were born to Chu Ning and Shen Jingyu.

   "I want to ask He Jiaojiao, what basis are your guesses based on? What are they based on?" After Gu Yunchen corrected the identities of Chu Ning and the child, he stared at the culprit, He Jiaojiao.

  He Jiaojiao's face was pale at this moment, and cold sweat broke out.

  What Gu Yunchen said about Chu Ning and the child, she really didn't know anything.

   No one ever mentioned these situations, and she never gave them much thought.

   She just wanted to please Fu Meirou, and she also wanted to make some unpleasant things at the wedding of Gu Yunchen and Liang Yi to disgust them.

   Her own wedding was too embarrassing and embarrassing, and could be the annual laughing stock of Jingyuan City, so she was determined to do something today to cover up the embarrassment of her wedding.

   That's why she wisely came to design such a farce.

   She thought her calculations were exquisite, but she really didn't expect that for Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, it would not be enough of a blow.

Everyone around    pointed at her, she clutched her big belly and stepped back in fright.

   Facing Gu Yunchen's questioning, she couldn't answer a single word.

   "He Jiaojiao, are you dumb? Why don't you speak?" Gu Yunchen asked aggressively without letting go of her plans at all.

   (end of this chapter)

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