Chapter 1789 Smells

Lan Feng couldn't help laughing, the laughter was shallow and vague: "You care about my investment, the profits and rich resources brought by the huge entertainment empire in my hands. But you don't care about me, and you don't need to care. Because you care more about Shen Jingyu , care about whether he can get the powerful real power in his hands.

  Your heart is so big that you want to accommodate the whole world, and you want to use everything in the world for you, even if you step on the body of innocent and weak people, you don't care.

   But Fu Meirou, you have forgotten that this world is not yours alone, nor is this world yours alone, it belongs to everyone. You can't get it alone. "

   He has liked Fu Meirou for a long time, so long that he forgot when it started. She was different from other girls in her thoughts. Her execution and self-discipline once fascinated him.

   That is something that few other girls have that makes her look so special and different.

   However, when he found that the things under the dreams that wrapped her were all stench, he was stunned. It turned out that what he was looking for was nothing but illusory.

   "Goodbye, Fu Meirou." Lan Feng's mouth gently spilled these words.

   Then he took a step.

  Fu Meirou's heart suddenly panicked, the man who had been willing to be driven by her, now looked strange and alienated.

   "Lan Feng." Fu Meirou cried out with some guilt.

   Lan Feng stopped.

Fu Meirou said in a low voice, "Lan Feng, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry about Xiao Yao. I also want to be good for you, for fear that she will entangle you. You also understand me, I have a lot of things I can't help myself. Lan Feng... "

   Lan Feng smiled quietly, but didn't reply a word.

   He strode out.

   "Lan Feng! Lan Feng!" Fu Meirou's voice echoed behind him for a long time.

   In the darkness, the voice drifted far away and was exceptionally clear, but Lan Feng never heard it again.

   He drove all the way to Portugal.

   On the dark road, the night wind blows on the face, making people's minds quiet and uncertain.

   His feet were on the accelerator, increasing the speed of the pedaling. The car was moving forward in the dark, seemingly with a long-awaited yearning.

  Finally, the car was approaching Puxi, and Lan Feng gradually stepped on the brakes and stopped slowly.

  Xiao Yao lives in a small villa that Chuning gave her. Currently, her life is very simple, with only a nanny and a part-time worker as her companions.

   stopped for a long time in front of Xiao Yao's small villa before Lan Feng called her.

  Xiao Yao just took a shower and came out wiping her half-dried hair.

   Hearing the phone ringing, she was worried that something was wrong with the TV station, so she hurriedly picked it up.

   When she touched the two words on the screen, her mood was no longer as urgent.

  Xiao Yao really didn't expect Lan Feng to call her. She hadn't seen Lan Feng for a long time, and she no longer remembered the name.

   He called himself, what would happen?

   She hesitated before answering.

   "I want to talk to you about something." Lan Feng's words fell into his ears lightly.

   "Okay. Where is it? Well, I'll come right away." Xiao Yao responded this time. After many days, she has already taken a lot of the light down, and the feelings she had in her heart gradually disappeared.

   She answered, took her mobile phone and went out, and saw Lanfeng's Lamborghini parked there quietly in the distance.

   (end of this chapter)

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