Chapter 1792 Boundless jealousy

"The porridge is not too rotten, and it is difficult to digest after eating; the eggs are too old, and the protein is about to be lost. Huiming is not nutritious, so how can I go to work? Also, breakfast should have fruits and vegetables to meet the nutritional ratio, you How did you take care of your husband?" Mother Wen sat in front of the restaurant and was nitpicking.

  He Jiaojiao had to whisper: "I remember it all, I will do it well tomorrow."

   "Learn yourself how to take care of your husband. Liang Yi was not like you in the past. She can afford it both inside and out. Outside, her academics are respected, and at home, she is well-organized."

  He Jiao was so coquettish, she glanced at her husband, Wen Huiming didn't speak for her because she was ruthless, she just ate with her head down.

  He Jiaojiao could only endure for the time being, she couldn't afford to offend anyone in the family.

   Wen Huiming went back to his room to change his clothes after taking a few bites.

  He Jiaojiao followed, handed him the clothes, and asked, "Hui Ming, can we move out?"

"No, I'm very busy recently. Living here is close to my work place, which can save time. Besides, my mother said that you're about to give birth, so it's inconvenient to move out. I don't have the energy to take care of you." Wen Huiming looked at her The belly finally has a bit of tenderness.

   "But you and Liang Yi used to live outside all the time, not with your parents." He Jiaojiao was really fed up with Mother Wen, she had to find a way to move out anyway.

Wen Huiming gave her a strange look, "Liang Yi owns several houses, and because her father is a well-respected professor, she herself has made great achievements in academic research, so their unit has allocated her several houses. If she wants to move out, of course, she can live at any time. Where do I have so much spare money to buy a house? Don't you know that any house in Jingyuan that you can see will cost at least tens of millions?"

"But your income is not bad. We can move out completely. Tens of millions are not a big problem, right? The card you gave me before also had millions." He Jiaojiao gently persuaded, "Could it be, you Don't you want to live a two-person world with me?"

"For my job, there is a fixed salary. Of course, the money can cover your daily expenses, and you don't have to worry about food and clothing, but if you want to buy luxury goods without restraint, you also need to buy a house..." Wen Huiming directly spread his hands , how is that possible?

"Ordinary houses don't meet my status, so I can't live in them. Good houses can't be bought now, and it's not like you don't know the house prices in the past few years. There are several houses in the family, but they are all owned by my parents. Assets, I can't ask them to ask for it at will, right?"

   Without Liang Yi, he lost at least half of his social support, and also lost more than half of his family's income.

  The Wen family is of course a good and powerful family, but when it comes to income, it is completely different from the Shen family, the Chu family and the Gu family.

   Plus He Jiaojiao doesn't have any income, it is absolutely impossible to live the life of a rich and luxurious young grandmother!

  He Jiaojiao never imagined that the man she tried so hard to marry was so far from her expectations.

   Thinking of how Chu Ning and Liang Yi were going to the mall, he wanted to move the entire mall home, brushing the unlimited black gold card without blinking, He Jiaojiao felt boundless jealousy in his heart.

   (end of this chapter)

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