Chapter 1796 Lock her up!

  Wen Huiming now sleeps in the guest room at night, doesn't touch her, and doesn't care about the relationship between husband and wife. She doesn't even say a word of help in front of Mother Wen.

He Jiaojiao had seen through all of this long ago, "Don't you just want the son in my belly? You look down on me, even my son, I'm pregnant with my son, what's wrong with eating from your family? Don't think I will Like Liang Yi, swallowing your anger at you, I am not a woman who is so polite and easy to bully!"

   "Enough, He Jiaojiao!" Wen Huiming slapped her.

   "You dare to hit me?" He Jiaojiao got angry and came forward to grab him, "Why do you hit me! My mother fought with you today! You want to bully me, but there is no way!"

   "It's the other way around!" Mother Wen took the medicine, took a breath, and shouted, "Hui Ming, grab her and send her to the room to be locked up."

  Wen Huiming desperately twisted He Jiaojiao's hands, pushed her into the room, and said sharply, "He Jiaojiao, you should reflect on your mistakes!"

   "What's wrong with me? Why should I reflect?" He Jiaojiao asked loudly.

Wen Huiming closed the door and locked it, while He Jiaojiao was still slapping the door inside: "Wen Huiming, let me out! You keep shutting me up, I'm going to your work unit to make trouble, I'm going to your parents' work place to make trouble, I want I accuse you of beating pregnant women, and you let me out!"

  Wen Huiming said to the maid, "Don't open the door for her, and don't give her anything to eat!"

   He Jiaojiao's matter has already made him face disgrace.

   Now that she is like a shrew, and the family is in trouble, Wen Huiming has given up on her.

He doesn't have any emotions now, only deep numbness and regret. Obviously, there was no problem with Liang Yi's relationship at the beginning. It's just that he lived too comfortably and his life was too stable. Liang Yi was a gentle woman again. He is sensible and obedient, never causing trouble for him, making him feel that his life is as peaceful as a calm lake.

   Looking back now, how precious it was to be so peaceful back then.

   A person's life, how much effort and how long it takes to manage one's life, can achieve such peace and tranquility.

   But now, he can never go back.

   Mother Wen stopped him: "Hui Ming, eat two mouthfuls of rice to pad your stomach first."

   "Don't eat. Do you think I'm still in the mood to eat?" Wen Huiming grabbed the car keys and turned to leave.

   "Hui Ming! Hui Ming!" Mother Wen called her son's name piercingly.

She sat down feebly, her originally well-maintained face, because of the various tortures in less than half a year, has grown old and estranged from her son, and can the unborn grandson bring her what she deserves joy?

  He Jiaojiao was locked up in the room upstairs. She called Fu Meirou, only to find that the phone could not be reached at all.

Why? Why?

  Everything she did was for Fu Meirou, but after her accident, Fu Meirou didn't show up at all, not even a phone call.

   Now, Fu Meirou has also blocked her directly?

  He Jiaojiao was not convinced, so she called Fu Meirou's assistant, who was also Fu Meirou's confidant subordinate.

   As long as Fu Meirou speaks, her status in the Wen family will be guaranteed.

   Because the child was not physically hurt, as long as Fu Meirou speaks, she can be completely exempted from punishment.

   (end of this chapter)

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