Chapter 1817 Picked up a bargain

   Seeing this, Shen Jingyu quickly stepped forward and protected Chu Ning by his side.

The reporters pointed the microphone at Fu Meirou and Jiang Qi, and asked loudly: "Miss Fu, Minister Jiang, please introduce our interview. In this matter, do you want to represent your department and country, and express your deepest thoughts to He Wenyuan? sorry?"

   "So many years of grievances and arrests, what compensation do you have for He Wenyuan?"

   "To the public, what do you need to explain?"

   "Who is to blame for this incident? Can you tell us about it? Such a big incident has caused heavy losses to He Wenyuan. In terms of rules and regulations, do you need to have a lot of areas that need to be improved?"

   Fu Meirou had to answer: "In this case, there will naturally be special personnel who will issue a public explanation. We will inform you of all the explanations in a timely manner. You don't need to worry about it."

   But how can such a brief description be able to satisfy journalists?

   They continued to ask questions, very dissatisfied.

   "We don't have anything else to say for now, everyone." Fu Meirou showed a stylized smile, "Everyone, please let me, we still have important work to do. Goodbye everyone."

   After finishing speaking, Fu Meirou protected Jiang Qi and turned to leave.

When    Jiang Qi turned around, his face suddenly turned cold.

  Fu Meirou followed him and wanted to explain what happened this time, but she was not what Chu Ning said.

   However, when she opened her mouth, she was beaten back by Jiang Qi's indifference.

   She knows that no matter how much she explains now, it won't help. She is Fu Hongxuan's daughter, and the only way to gain Jiang Qi's trust is to make effective achievements instead of empty words.

  Shen Jingyu was on the side, looking at his girl tenderly, she was simple in a few words, she was ingenious, and her epee had no sharp edge, but her lethality was not small.

   It is estimated that Jiang Qi and Fu Meirou have been suspicious of each other for a while.

   Fu Meirou and Jiang Qi left, and the reporters also left with interest.

  Xiao Yao walked out and said with a smile, "Ning Ning, how is it, are you satisfied with the reporters I arranged?"

   "Thank you."

   "Don't say such foreign words. When the time comes, I will let them do an exclusive interview with Master Chu, and try to reverse the inherent impression of this matter in the public's mind as soon as possible." Xiao Yao smiled.

  Xiao Yao glanced behind her and said with a smile, "Ningning, your dad is out."

   "Dad." Chu Ning stepped forward to support Master Chu and gave him a heavy hug.

   "Dad is alright. Everything is fine." Master Chu was also very impressed. He could finally appear in an upright manner anywhere in the Dragon Empire.

  Chu Zhuohang smiled and said, "I have arranged a dinner party, and I must give Dad a good celebration. Today's events are so worthy of joy."

   "Okay, listen to the children." Lan Xi was also very interested.

  Master Chu looked at his children, with unspeakable emotions surging in his heart, "Okay."

  Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning walked together and said, "Actually this time, it was only because the timing was right that the solution was resolved so quickly. If it wasn't because the presidential election was about to start, Fu Hongxuan didn't want to make extra troubles, and he wouldn't have come forward to supervise this matter."

   "So Fu Meirou was too impatient. She wanted to solve the problem of the Chu family and an enemy early, but she didn't expect it, but instead let us take a chance." Chu Ning laughed.

   (end of this chapter)

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