Chapter 1823 An unknown newcomer

   When he arrived at the Nutrition Research Institute, Shen Jingyu was walking out holding Lele's hand, and he was holding the test report in his hand.

   Seeing Chuning, he handed over the report.

  Chuning took a brief look, Lele's physical condition was similar to his own, and he was in good health. It was just because Gu Yunchen suggested that his physical condition should be observed for a long time, so he would come for a test every month on average.

   "Recently, Lele's height has grown a lot, and the doctor has given some suggested recipes." Shen Jingyu looked down at Lele, "I think in a few years, Lele will catch up with An An."

   Lele squinted his eyes and smiled: "Mommy, where are your published novels? Did you keep them for me?"

   "It didn't come out, I didn't like that publishing house." Chu Ning smiled calmly, "I'll find another one another day, and I'll keep it for you when it's out."

   "Okay, okay." Lele smiled happily and opened her arms for Chu Ning to hug.

   Shen Jingyu slapped his **** and picked him up on his shoulders.

   The three of them went home after receiving An An and Ping Ping.

   After lunch, Chu Ning went to the study, and Shen Jingyu followed.

   "Why, the publishing thing is not going well?"

"That editor-in-chief is weird. It was already agreed, and the contract was signed according to the normal process. How did he know that he changed his mind again, and he insisted that he would only give me 20,000 yuan and sell the manuscript directly to them, even the authorship rights. No. I really don't know if he has vision or not."

   Shen Jingyu chuckled softly: "Give up a pearl like you, he is blind."

   Chu Ning's eyebrows and eyes slightly curved: "However, there are many people with bright eyes. Without him, there will be others."

   "Someone else contacted you?"

"Although there is not yet, but there will be." Chu Ning said confidently, "I just wonder, whose name does he want to sign when he buys it? It can be seen that in this industry, the water is also deep. Many writers, not necessarily true It's so talented on the surface."


  Chuning's confidence is justified.

   Two days later, another publisher contacted her.

   Five consecutive families have communicated with her on the phone.

   However, these companies are of the same caliber with Qin Huang. They all asked to buy her manuscripts, but they refused to sign a normal contract. They were only willing to give her money to buy the content.

   However, this time, instead of 20,000, the price has been increased to 80,000.

   Chu Ning said nothing and rejected all these people.

   It's too much. Although she is not angry, she also feels that these people are really taking an inch.

   Qin Huang was right. He was a bit skilled in the publishing industry in Jingyuan City. It seemed that the people from these publishing houses were also giving him face and helping him persuade Chu Ning.

   In his opinion, 80,000 yuan is really enough to convince Chuning.

   An ordinary new author who is not famous at all, and being able to get so much for the writing, must be enough to make her tempted.

   And paid 80,000 yuan, it is really impossible to sign the name Chu Ning wants, otherwise, she may not even be able to recover the cost as an unknown newcomer.

  Xiao Yao was also very concerned about the matter of Chu Ning and called to inquire about the situation.

  Chuning told her the general situation.

   Xiao Yao was surprised: "How can these people do this? This circle is really messy."

   "There are good people and bad people in every circle. It's just that I was unlucky this time, and it's all these people I happened to meet."

   (end of this chapter)

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