Chapter 1841 I want too!

   There are some swamps, if you don’t get out in time, you will be pulled in and you will never be able to get out again.

   "I won't go to your girls' party." After Lan Feng finished speaking, he hung up the phone lightly.

   Regardless of whether Jiang Yue was really showing her favor on Fu Meirou's behalf, he refused to accept it.

   Besides, Lan Feng has also heard that Jiang Yue wants to enter the entertainment industry, invest in filming to make money, and gain fame.

   "Do you want to get investment from me? I look like a fool with a lot of money?" Lan Feng said mockingly.

   Being hung up by Lan Feng, Jiang Yue was furious.

   Even without Fu Meirou's relationship, she is also Jiang Qi's daughter, and even the people in the Presidential Palace give her face very much. What is Lan Feng?

   Giving him the opportunity to invest is to look up to him!

   I really don't know how to lift up!


  Chuning went home, Shen Jingyu had not returned from the company.

   Several sons are playing in the living room.

   The age of five or six years old is really disgusting for dogs, let alone three children of this age, fighting and making a mess in the living room.

   Seeing Chu Ning coming back, they all rushed over. When they were about to run close, they realized that Chu Ning had a younger sister in her belly. One by one, they slowed down and stepped forward gently, hugging Chu Ning's legs.




   "Good, what do you want to eat, Mommy will cook it herself!" Chu Ning said with a smile.

   "Bring pancakes!" Several little milk buns said in unison.

   This is Lanxi's specialty food, and Chuning also learned it.

   "Okay." Chu Ning put down the bag.

  An An ran over, "Forget it, Ning Ning worked hard with her sister, let's eat something else, let the mother-in-law in the kitchen do it."

   He stepped forward and took Chu Ning's hand, "I'll help you squeeze your back."

   "I'll beat your leg for you!" Pingping said immediately.

   "I can too! I can too!" Lele ran forward.

  Shen Jingyu came in, put down his coat, and strode over. Seeing this scene, his lips twitched, and he couldn't get tired of seeing this scene, "Can I also enjoy this kind of treatment?"

   "Mr. Shen, I want to eat pancakes!" An An shouted loudly.

   "Well, we want too." Pingping and Lele said in unison.

   Shen Jingyu was treated differently!

   What kind of son are these, you picked them up?

  In the evening, after Shen Jingyu washed up, Chu Ning was leaning on the head of the bed to read the script.

   "Still busy?"

"Tomorrow is going to be officially filmed. I want to see if there is anything I missed." Chu Ning smiled, put down the things in his hand, and lay on his shoulders to make up for his heart that was beaten by his three sons, "I will help him. You pinch."

   Shen Jingyu held her hand backhand, "How can I work harder for my girl."

   Instead, he held her in his arms and reached out to help her squeeze her shoulders.

   "I heard that Lan Feng invested in you?"

   "Well, he likes this line of work. I think I don't know Xiao Yao very well, so I'll be more at ease with him."

   "I want to vote too!" Mingming's voice was terribly sexy, but he sounded like a child asking for candy.

  Chuning smiled: "How much do you want to vote?"

   "On the basis of Lan Feng, let's add 10,000." Even if it is 10,000 more, you have to press Lan Feng.

   Even though he actually knew, the investment amount of Chuning’s side was almost enough.

   is also because enough is enough, so it is enough to press Lanfeng more than 10,000, and there is no need for more.

   (end of this chapter)

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