Chapter 1851 There is light in the eyes

   Although he didn't fully understand Chu Ning's identity, he saw that Lan Feng was so accommodating to her, and even Shi Qianmei opened it up, and knew that Chu Ning's identity should not be underestimated.

   So if Chu Ning joins the group, he will definitely let others cooperate at all costs.

  Chuning said: "I can try to take a makeup photo first. But whether I can take it or not, I still need to discuss with my family."

  Lan Feng smiled and said, "Okay, let's go."

  Chuning followed the makeup artist in.

   The makeup artist used makeup remover for her, Chu Ning smiled and said, "No, I don't have makeup."

   "Then your skin is too clear. I always thought you were naked. I wanted to ask you before."

   "Except sunscreen, nothing else is useful." Even the eyebrows and lips are all natural and pure.

The makeup artist said with envy, "Chuning, you are really the girl with the best skin I have ever seen. You can really be on camera without makeup. But for this role, it is not suitable for you to be without makeup. Because you are too white and light, you must I have to give you black powder."

   "Okay." Chu Ning nodded.

   was talking when Lan Feng came in with a box.

   Seeing the big boss coming in to deliver things in person, the makeup artist knew even more about the extraordinary identity of Chuning.

   She did not dare to guess, but she did her best.

  Chuning asked curiously, "What is this?"

   "Pregnant women's cosmetics. The kind you can eat. I planned to give it to you before, but your husband refused to accept it, saying that you can't use it. It should be usable now, right?"

   It turns out that Lan Feng also prepared such a gift for himself.

   She smiled, "Okay, I'll use this this time."

   The makeup artist was busy taking them out. She had never even seen any of these cosmetics. From the looks of it, they were completely tailored, so there was no logo on the bottle.

   But each bottle is smooth and delicate to the touch, and the bottle body seems to be made of high-quality ceramics.

   The bottle is so elegant, so you can imagine what the contents are like.

   The makeup artist hurriedly used the contents to apply makeup to Chuning.

   Soon, a makeup look suitable for the character came out.

  The hair is scattered, just grabbed into a ponytail, and tied behind the head crookedly; the face is dirty, and the original facial features cannot be seen.

   A set of clothes, big and fat, casually draped over the body, covering the graceful curves.

  's eyes were a little tired, and the whole person was loose, but he could see a trace of tenacity in the bottom of his eyes.

   When she came out, Lan Feng gave a high five: "That's it! It's much better than the one who was fired before!"

   The director also showed a hint of surprise, he didn't expect Chu Ning to be so suitable.

   Mainly because of her eyes, she is very playful. At first glance, it makes people think that she is the sister in the play, and she can do anything for her sister and mother!

   He almost fell in love with Chuning at a glance!

  If there was Chu Ning among those who auditioned at that time, Shi Qianmei really would have nothing to do with it, how can we wait for now.

   "Chuning, I'm telling you, you have to come and play this!" Lan Feng has always been concerned about the artist's affairs. That is his current status, and he is too lazy to care.

   But his vision for artists has always been of a high level, otherwise it would not have been possible to create a huge entertainment empire with one punch and one kick at that time!

   Now he sees Chuning, his eyes are shining!

   (end of this chapter)

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