The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1868: find someone who likes you

   Chapter 1868 Find someone who likes you

   Lan Feng ordered dishes at will, and ate at will. He spoke very little and had a smile on his face. For the first time, Fu Meirou couldn't understand what was behind the smile.

   He eats elegantly, but not at all slow, and he finishes his meal quickly.

   is really here to eat.

   After eating, he asked the waiter to pack a separate serving of lemon boneless chicken feet, and said with a smile, "Thank you for the treat, then I'll be leaving."

   Without giving Fu Meirou a chance to send him, he walked out.

  's pride made it impossible for Fu Meirou to stop him and send him back to the crew.

When    went back, Chu Ning and Xiao Yao were having lunch.

  Although it was also a boxed lunch, it was sent by Shen Jingyu from the nanny from home every day, which ensured that Chu Ning could eat fresh, clean, nutritious and appetizing food.

  Chuning of course couldn't finish the food that the nanny sent. When Xiao Yao came, she just took her to eat together.

  Lan Feng swaggered in and put the lunch box in front of Chu Ning: "Here, the lemon claw you like."

   "Hey, did you go to the couple's restaurant for dinner?" Chu Ning said immediately.

  The last time she and Shen Jingyu went to that place, they liked the lemon claw there, so she casually mentioned it to Lan Feng.

  Xiao Yao's action of picking vegetables was a little stagnant.

   Chu Ning just thought that he was too quick-talking just now, Lan Feng went to that store, who else could he go with?

   She said to Lan Feng: "Bring it to others to eat, I have too many dishes here, I can't eat those."

  Lan Feng glanced at Xiao Yao, then took the lunch box and went out, casually giving the specially packaged dishes to a certain staff member to eat.

  Xiao Yao was eating and said, "Xiao Yue came to see me, saying that my grandma is seriously ill, so I don't worry about it."

  Xiao Yue was the twin sister of Xiao Yao's family at the time. She was said to be a twin sister, but it was later confirmed that they were not related by blood. Xiao Yao herself was born in the Xiao family because of a mistake.

  Xiao Yao came back here, took over the TV station, and was far away from Xiao Yue.

  The two sisters themselves are not real twins, and because their parents died young, one was pulled by grandma and the other was pulled by grandma.

   They are less than together, and their relationship is not particularly deep, but they still miss each other.

  The grandmother passed away long ago, and their common relative is the grandmother.

   These things are clear to Chu Ning, but he has never seen Xiao Yue before.

   "Then have you gone back to visit?" Chu Ning asked.

"Look. Xiao Yue is married and has children. Both daughters are very cute. Grandma just can't worry about me. I was brought up by grandma. I don't want to live up to grandma's expectations. Married before."

  Xiao Yao and He Hongtao have no father-daughter relationship, let alone grandchildren with Mrs. He.

   The only concern is the old lady of the Xiao family.

  Chuning understands the old man's concern, Xiao Yao has Lan Feng in his heart, but seeing Lan Feng like this, he and Fu Meirou can't be broken.

   Then Xiao Yao must accept others.

   Chu Ning felt wronged for Xiao Yao just thinking about it.

   But if you really like a man you can't get all the time, isn't it another kind of grievance?

   "Xiao Yao, at least, find someone who likes you." Chu Ning hoped that she could suffer less grievances.

  Xiao Yao couldn't help laughing: "I know. If I really promise to date or get married with the same person, I will definitely give it wholeheartedly and without reservation."

   [ps, chapter 797 mentioned Xiao Yue - "Ms. Ning Wan's blood was placed in the body of another woman who underwent IVF surgery, and was born as twins"]

   (end of this chapter)

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