Chapter 1879 Little things

  He Li was surprised and grateful, "How did you know that something happened to me? I didn't call back because I was afraid that my family would be worried."

"Xiao Yao and I originally planned to visit your crew to see if Pan Fangfang stumbled you." Chu Ning said, "Then I heard that you were sent here because of a fight. So we came here specially. Look. What the **** is going on?"

He Li said: "Actually, I don't know what's going on. I was originally shooting a small supporting role, and I didn't have many scenes. When I came to shoot that day, I saw a big belly in the dressing room. The man who looked like a sponsor was bullying a female college student who was working part-time and pinning her down.

   That college student was still calling for help. But there was no one there at the time, so no one could help her.

  I couldn't see it, I stepped forward to pull the investor away, and then scuffled with him.

   Later, someone called the police, and I was brought here.

  I only know now that the female college student did not dare to point out that the investors were underestimating her, so she avoided and dared not speak for me.

   Then there is no evidence to prove my innocence. I heard that the sponsor was seriously injured. My guilt may be very serious.

  The crew may not want to offend the sponsors for me, so no one has come to mediate until now.

   These are all I know. "

  He Li's tone was mixed with a strong sense of helplessness.

   I also regret it a little bit. At that time, I was too impulsive in my way of dealing with things, and I got myself into this situation.

   But he also wanted to protect the reputation of the female college student at the time, and didn't want her to be criticized.

  Xiao Yao said immediately, "You helped that female college student out of the siege and saved her, but she refused to testify for you?"

   "I also heard it from the police. The real situation is not completely clear."

   After all, he was brought here after the accident, and he really didn't know what was going on in the outside world.

  If it wasn't for Chu Ning and Xiao Yao to come to see him, he still hasn't even seen anyone outside.

  Chuning asked, "Then what's her name? Let me see if I can help."

   "It's called Hua Yun." He Li said, "Chuning, you have helped me a lot. I heard that you are pregnant. Your body is the most important thing."

"It's all a small matter, so don't be afraid of anything." Chu Ning said, "You can stay here with peace of mind. The Dragon Empire is a country ruled by law, and no one can do anything to you. When there is a result, Xiao Yao and I will come to see you. of."

  Harry watched them leave, filled with countless emotions.

  Xiao Yao walked out with Chu Ning and said, "I'll go look for Hua Yun. He Li is right, you really need time to rest."

   "It's getting late, so if you want to find her, don't be in a hurry, let's go back to the crew first."

   After returning to the crew, the director called Xiao Yao.

"Miss Xiao, an important supporting actor has been poached! Half of his scenes have been filmed, but he would rather pay a high liquidated damages than leave immediately. Today's filming happens to be a lot of his scenes, what? It's all ready!" The director was really angry.

   Recently, everyone in the crew has been very cohesive and cohesive. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen suddenly.

  Xiao Yao said: "Don't worry, you can shoot other things first, I'll find a way."

   (end of this chapter)

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