The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1882: I'm going to see her

   Chapter 1882 I'm going to see her

  Pan Fangfang poached the important male supporting cast of Chu Ning's crew, just to stop their shooting.

Satisfied, she thought: "This time, Chu Ning will be delayed for several days at least, and the lost funds will be close to ten million. The longer this TV series drags on, the higher the cost will be. I will be responsible for it. "The Time of That Year" doesn't need to earn a lot, it just needs to earn more than Chu Ning's, and with Miss Jiang, you will have a face."

   She really thought very well, but Chu Ning had already shot the role of the supporting actor.

   And she was very popular in the crew, and many girls gathered around her and talked about it.

  Lan Feng really didn't expect her to look so good in men's clothes.

   He walked towards Chuning, and the girls' eyes fell on him.

   Everyone has a love for beauty, not to mention that Lan Feng is so good-looking, he and Chu Ning stand together, and there is a sense of dazzling beauty.

   "Wow" a girl sighed in a low voice, "I feel that these two people are the best match."

   "Yes, yes, good-looking boys like boys, and I'm satisfied. It's impossible to like me anyway, and I'd rather he doesn't like all girls."

   "Go and get busy." Lan Feng said, and they dispersed in a hurry.

   He stepped forward and said with a smile, "Chuning, I promised not to let you sign any brokerage contract before, but now I really can't help but want to convince you to come to our company. Your flexibility is really too high."

   "Then go and ask my husband. I'm pregnant with a child recently, so I don't dare to make any decisions." Chu Ning shook his head.

   "Then wait for you to finish giving birth." Lan Feng didn't seriously consider the possibility of her entering the entertainment industry before, but now after taking a good look at her, she realized that she is really suitable.

   The eyebrows are delicate and not gorgeous, and she is not a top beauty alone, but she is very stunning after makeup.

   Standing with other people is also more attractive.

   This image is very suitable for creating a variety of roles, not single, not a certain type of special beauty, but a good material for actors.

  Lan Feng smiled, "Then I'll wait for you to give birth. By the way, I want to see a client from a partner company at night, so I won't let you go. You go home early to rest."

   "Okay." Chu Ning didn't act too, so he tried to rest as much as possible when it was time to rest.

   So the person who accompanied Lan Feng to socialize at night became Xiao Yao.

Chu Ning walked out of the crew, and the bodyguard came over, "Young Mistress, you asked me to find the information about Hua Yun. She has just graduated from college and went to the production crew of "That Year" as an intern. I have already asked her out for you. Meet at the drink shop across the street."

   "Okay, I'll go see her." Chu Ning walked over there.

   A very innocent girl is sitting in the store, looking very delicately dressed, like a spring peach core, and her beauty is also faintly beautiful.

  Chuning had obtained Hua Yun's photo from the bodyguard and knew that this was her.

   She walked over and said with a smile, "Is that Hua Yun?"

   "Yes, you are Miss Chu Ningchu?" Hua Yun looked a little restrained, as if she had just graduated and had no experience in the world.

  Chuning smiled, "Yes, I'm He Li's cousin. He Li beat someone and is still locked up. So I want to find out about the situation with you."

   "I... The scene was too chaotic at the time, and I couldn't see it clearly." Hua Yun lowered her head and clasped her hands together, "So there's nothing I can do to help him."

   (end of this chapter)

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