Chapter 1889 Really happy

  Pan Fangfang didn't dare to think about the consequences.

   Don't talk about others, she can't even pass Jiang Yue's test.

   The lesser of the two powers harms each other, and it is much easier to apologize than to be ruined.

  Pan Fangfang looked at Chu Ning: "How do I know, after I apologize, will you continue to threaten me with this matter in the future?"

   "You have no choice, you can only choose to believe me." Chu Ning's expression was extremely indifferent.

  Pan Fangfang used to see her like this, and every time she felt that she was easy to bully, only now did she know that Chu Ning was a poisonous snake without showing her teeth.

  Pan Fangfang had to say: "Okay, I apologize."

   "Also, the filming contract signed by Heli has been terminated for him."

  Pan Fangfang is not a pity for He Li at all. Anyway, he is a character who plays soy sauce. If you don't have one, you can change it. "Yes."

   Heli himself does not feel sorry for this character.

  Pan Fangfang quickly arranged the agreement for him, and then according to Chu Ning's statement, in the crew, he apologized to He Li on the spot.

   Of course, she is still a little bit evasive. She only said that her own management was not strict, which led to such a thing. Everything has nothing to do with He Li. Now that He Li has come out, it is the proof.

   Everyone suddenly realized, "It turns out that He Li was wronged for this matter. Then the sponsor was wrong?"

   "This matter is just a misunderstanding." Pan Fangfang said, "Everyone should not discuss it casually in the future."

   Everyone thinks it makes sense. He Li is just a young man who is just starting out. If he can come out, it will definitely prove that the matter has nothing to do with him.

  Chuning smiled and said, "By the way, He Li and Miss Pan will invite everyone to a late-night snack. I'm sorry for the hard work these days."

   She whispered, "Miss Pan, you should pay the bill for supper at night."

   She had just found out that Pan Fangfang had deducted the employee's late-night snack money and put the matter on He Li.

   Everyone applauded: "Thank you Miss Pan, thank you Heli."

  Pan Fangfang was very annoyed, but everyone was already thanking her, how could she still refuse?

  Chuning this time, it really made her lose not only her stature, but also her face.

  Chuning went out with Xiao Yao and Heli.

  Xiao Yao laughed and said: "It's really happy! This time, it's so refreshing! Seeing Pan Fangfang's deflated appearance makes me feel good."

  He Li is also the first time he can punish the bad guy with such a big fanfare, and he feels quite happy.

   "He Li, where do you live now?" Xiao Yao asked.

"I shared a house with a friend, and I'm staying here to find a job. In fact, I'm not a professional who studied acting. I just accompanied my friend to audition for actors. After getting such an opportunity, I realized that I really like acting. "

  Xiao Yao said with a smile: "Actually, you look pretty, and as long as you practice it, you should be able to develop well."

   "I think so too. I'll go to a few production crews recently." He Li smiled, "Today's affairs are too much trouble for you. I'll invite you to dinner another day."

After    said goodbye to them, Heli ran away.

  Xiao Yao actually liked this cousin quite a bit and said, "If I had a company, I would definitely sign him."

   "Actually, you can set up an entertainment company. Your ability to coordinate and arrange is good, and you are completely competent." Chu Ning laughed.

   (end of this chapter)

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