Chapter 1957

   showed everyone her unknown side.

   She doesn't say much, but she can always pick up the host's words well, not too outrageous, but there is a certain point of laughter, and the atmosphere of the whole show is very relaxed.

  Jiang He is very satisfied with Chuning. In fact, there are not many guests who fit the program flow.

   Most of the time, it is up to the host to constantly control the field to control the entire program flow.

   So it is rare to meet a good guest, which will make the host very relaxed and will play a better effect than usual.

   Next is Pan Fangfang.

   "As a well-known best-selling author, what made you suddenly rewrite ancient words again? I remember you always write modern words. At present, only "Chang'an" and the current "Jinling" are ancient words?"

  Pan Fangfang is also very calm: "People always have to try more, only in this way can they better break through themselves."

  Jiang He smiled and said, "This makes sense. Let's talk to Fangfang about her creative experience."

"I regard creation as more important than my own life, and I have been working hard for it. I believe that works are my own children, and only when I am full of love can I nurture talents; Only then can you gain something." Pan Fangfang said.

   These words made everyone applaud.

   "So this time, what inspiration did Fangfang have for you to write this book?"

  Pan Fangfang said with a smile: "When I was traveling abroad, I thought that the culture of my Dragon Empire has actually been passed down for a long time, so I thought why not write a work that reflects the ancient culture of the Dragon Empire, so I have this "Jinling"."

   After chatting for a while, Jiang He said: "Okay, after talking so much, then please Fangfang, read a few paragraphs of "Jinling" that you are most satisfied with!"

  Pan Fangfang picked up her manuscript, found a few wonderful paragraphs, and read it.

   Jiang He's expression changed slightly.

   In his headset, the director's voice also passed over: "Jiang He, stop interviewing Pan Fangfang!"

  Jiang He took the topic back, turned to Chu Ning, and chatted with Chu Ning.

   Pan Fangfang was chatting hotly with Jiang He. Seeing that Jiang He ignored him, he went to talk to Chu Ning, thinking that he was ignorant of others, because Chu Ning was a popular artist, so he would treat her like this.

   But as everyone knows, Jiang He has heard the problem after listening to her wonderful clips just now.

   These fragments are all passages from a book written by an author from a very small country.

   This book is very small, and it has not been published publicly in China, and ordinary people have not read it.

   Even an editor-in-chief like Qin Huang has never seen it.

   But Jiang He happened to have seen it, so he felt something was wrong when he heard it.

   Until the director told him to stop the interview, Jiang He knew in his heart that something was wrong with Pan Fangfang's novel.

  Because Pan Fangfang is already a well-known author and has published many books, and she is also the first sister of Beijing North Publishing House, her manuscript has not been listed directly, so Jiang He did not read her content directly, just communicated with her briefly.

   So Jiang He didn't know there was something wrong with her work before.

   However, after she read those paragraphs, Jiang He understood that Pan Fangfang had plagiarized!

   She chose a very niche work to plagiarize, and even used many paragraphs without changing a single word.

   (end of this chapter)

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