Chapter 1979 Temporary no-show

   She is really working too hard. Lan Feng has a lot of assistants. Most of the things, he only needs to coordinate and arrange them, and he can leave them to the assistants to do. He does hard work.

   But Xiao Yao is different. Mingzhi Media was only established not long ago, and everyone needs money for everything. Xiao Yao does it herself most of the time, so naturally it takes more labor.

   Lan Feng walked over, sat beside her bed, and looked down at her.

  In the dark night, the girl with the plain face also has a more magnificent and attractive taste.

   He was used to drinking a glass of red wine when he worked too late at night, but at this moment, he was a little drunk without a drop of alcohol.

  With her there, I don't necessarily have much warm emotions, but I feel stable and down-to-earth, as if I have found something that has not been found for a long time.

   This kind of feeling makes people peaceful and comfortable,

   He sat beside Xiao Yao and sat for a while before pulling up the quilt for her and got up and left.

   And Xiao Yao didn't even know he was here.


   The next morning, Xiao Yao and Lan Feng wanted to see Wu Weide.

   Meet at nine o'clock in the morning and audition for the candidate.

  Xiao Yao started preparations after eight o'clock, and then drove over to pick up Wu Weide in person.

   When I got to the place where I met Wu Weide yesterday, Wu Weide did not appear.

  This is his office, not only him, but also the other team members who have negotiated with him are not there.

  Xiao Yao called Wu Weide uneasy.

After a long time, Wu Weide picked it up and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss Xiao, I can't come today."

   "Did something happen? Didn't we agree to sign the contract today?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "Miss Xiao, I'm really sorry, I have already signed with someone else." Wu Weide finished and hung up the phone.

   Xiao Yao was stunned for a moment.

   called Wu Weide again, and he stopped answering the phone.

Really are! We had a good talk, but we missed the appointment temporarily!

  Xiao Yao was very angry, but she could only be helpless. After all, the contract had not been signed yet. Wu Weide said so and avoided seeing it. She didn't even have a chance to ask.

   She had to call Lan Feng first: "Master Feng, we can only let the alternative actors leave first, and Wu Weide will not sign the contract."

"what happened?"

   "He didn't say it, but he said directly that he couldn't come. There was no one in the whole office. It was equivalent to the entire scheduled team, and he couldn't come."

  Xiao Yao's tone was a little low.

   In fact, this is not uncommon in this industry. As long as the contract is not signed for one day, others can break the contract.

   It's just that most people won't cut off their own back roads. Like Wu Weide, they don't even say hello, and they just miss the appointment.

  Xiao Yao put down her phone, sighed, and started looking for alternative directors on her worksheet.

   is equivalent to more than a week before, all in vain.

   There are quite a few directors to choose from, but it will definitely take time to reconnect with each other.

Xiao Yao was looking for someone again, and Wu Weide called her back with a worried voice: "Miss Xiao, I know I'm wrong, I didn't inform you about this matter in advance. Please let me go, I also have difficulties. ."

   "What happened?" Xiao Yao asked.

   "Please come to another of my filming locations." Wu Weide pleaded.

  Xiao Yao got the address sent by Wu Weide and was rushing there.

After    arrived, Xiao Yao realized that the shooting scene here was in chaos.

   (end of this chapter)

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