The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2017: The wedding had to end abruptly

   Chapter 2017 The wedding had to end hastily

  These words touched Zhang Wanyi's heart.

   She really never thought that Fang Lan would say so bluntly.

Fang Lan said calmly: "I know that Shihao thinks you have troubles, and it's not that you didn't come to him on purpose. That's because the man's self-esteem is at work, and he doesn't believe that the woman he loves will treat him like that. I can't, I like this man, I have to keep him away from you."

   She has the attitude of a protector on her face, which is in stark contrast to Zhang Wanyi's pitiful appearance.

   The expression on Zhang Wanyi's face changed many times, and she said, "Then give me the things."

   "Five million, take it away. Never appear in front of Shihao again." Fang Lan pushed the check over.

   She stood up, held the hem of her wedding dress, and walked out of the cafe slowly.

   She believes in her own choices, and also believes that when she gets what she wants, she has to maintain and wait. She has always been proactive and will not wait for opportunities.

   She likes Zhuang Shihao so much, so it is impossible for him to be deceived by Zhang Wanyi.

   He may not believe her now, or hate her, but in time, she believes that everything will change.

   Fang Lan returned to the wedding scene, Chu Ning hurriedly pulled her: "Where have you been? The wedding is about to start."

   "It's okay, I just went to see a friend." Fang Lan said with a slight smile.

   "Okay, let's go to the stage, the auspicious time has already begun." Chu Ning said, and by the way helped her to make up her face.

  Fang Lan went to the stage, Zhuang Shihao took out his mobile phone, and seemed to have received some uncomfortable news. He looked at the phone for a long time, until the emcee urged him three times before he came on stage and stood beside Fang Lan.

   Fang Lan knew that it was Zhang Wanyi who sent him a text message telling him that the two of them were saying goodbye forever.

   He showed such a mourning expression because he was sorry, it doesn't matter, Fang Lan gave him time.

  Because of Zhuang Shihao's extremely sad expression, many activities prepared by the master of ceremonies could not be continued.

   He was almost completely uncooperative, and was out of the situation the whole time.

   had no choice but to end the wedding hastily.

   Naturally, there will be no bridal party.

   As a result, the elders are all worried.

  Fang Lan went to comfort them everywhere, telling them not to worry and worry, everything would be fine.

Chu Zhuohang and Xiaozhan could not wait to go up and beat Zhuang Shihao, but Chu Ning stopped them: "Okay, if you make some trouble again, Fang Lan will really not be able to come down on stage. Save her some face. "

   Such a mourning wedding makes the guests feel emotionless.

Lan Xi took Chu Ning's hand and shook her head to express her disappointment, "Fang Lan, a child who used to be so simple and lively, has suddenly chosen this path, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse. If you have time, come over and accompany you more. with her."

   "I will, Mom, don't worry." Chu Ning replied.

On the way back with    and Shen Jingyu, Chu Ning said, "I'll go to the crew to see Xiao Yao."

"it is good."

"Fang Lan's affairs always make me confused. She is like this, and I don't want Xiao Yao to be like this. Xiao Yao's temper is not as good as Fang Lan's, let alone, Xiao Yao is not like Fang Lan either. Having a good father like that can at least support her."

  Shen Jingyu understands her feelings, and with Xiao Yao and Fang Lan as sisters, Chu Ning will definitely worry about their emotional and living conditions.

   asked Xiao Yao to eat dessert in the shop outside the crew.

   (end of this chapter)

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