The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2026: avoidance of oneself

   Chapter 2026 is to avoid yourself

   "I want to ask you, it's me now, and I'm going to walk the red carpet. I represent not only the dignity of Maple Leaf Entertainment, but also the decency of Young Master Feng. Is this your working attitude now?" Chen Rouzhi asked.

   In fact, she should not have these temperaments. As a newcomer who has just debuted, she should have remained humble and submissive in front of her seniors and staff.

   However, recently, the company has held her too much, and the hold has made her a little swollen, and some don't know how high the sky is.

   Even Young Master Feng praised himself, these ordinary employees, how dare they treat themselves like this?

   The employees bowed their heads and didn't talk to Chen Rou, they just said sorry.

  Xiao Yao saw this and felt that she was obliged to reconcile.

   Yu Gong, she has cooperation with Maple Leaf Entertainment and can be regarded as a close partner.

   Yu Si, Lan Feng's business is also her business.

Xiao Yao said calmly: "Miss Chen, why don't you choose other clothes? Apart from the ones in the window, there are also medium and high-end brands in the clothes outside, with more and more complete sizes, there must be some suitable for tonight's occasion. You might as well have a look."

  Chen Rou glanced at Xiao Yao, thinking that it is no wonder that these employees did not listen to their own words. It turns out that there are outsiders here, and they are all because others are watching, so they dare not easily agree to themselves, for fear that it will not sound good.

   Chen Rou no longer likes Xiao Yao.

The agent    said with a smile: "Miss Xiao is right, let's choose outside. Rourou, Miss Xiao is a producer and has recently had an in-depth cooperation with Maple Leaf Entertainment."

   This is to remind Chen Rou to know how to behave and not to be an enemy of Xiao Yao.

  Chen Rou, of course she knows how to be measured, and will not offend Xiao Yao at will, "Miss Xiao is right, you can take a look. Then I will choose here."

   "You choose Miss Chen first." Xiao Yao won't waste her time. As a female artist, attending a red carpet event requires more preparation time than Xiao Yao.

  Chen Rou went to choose.

  Xiao Yao selected from the side.

Xiao Yao finally chose a simple little black dress, Chen Rou said with a smile: "Oh, this little black dress is so beautiful, why didn't I see it just now. If I can wear this one, it's really That's great. But this style has only one piece, so I can only forget it."

  Xiao Yao said with a smile: "Then, Miss Chen, take it. I'll look at other things."

   Xiao Yao will not affect the itinerary of Maple Leaf Entertainment artists.

  Chen Rou took Xiao Yao's concession as an avoidance to herself. It seems that even the producers outside knew that Lan Feng liked her, so they avoided herself a lot.

  Chen Rou knew more and said, "Then I'll be more respectful than obedient, thank you Miss Xiao."

  The agent also hurriedly said, "Thank you Miss Xiao."

Xiao Yao nodded slightly and chose by herself. The staff next to her were very grateful to Xiao Yao for helping them clear the siege, and came forward to help Xiao Yao choose clothes, and said, "Miss Xiao, after you have chosen, if there is anything inappropriate, Let us know and we'll help you make an emergency fix."

   "Okay, thank you."

Shao Rouqiu changed her clothes, and when she was passing by the clothing department, she couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene, this Xiao Yao is also true, she owns the company, and Young Master Feng also took great care of her, and even came here to borrow clothes .

   (end of this chapter)

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