Chapter 2032 is not a big gain

  Jiang Jingjing maintains that she still has some looks, and she looks a bit like her mother, otherwise Jiang Qi would not have cheated on her mother.

   Originally, she also maintained that she was much better-looking than Xiao Yao, and never took Xiao Yao in her eyes.

   However, when I see Xiao Yao again, in a short time, Xiao Yao is still the same Xiao Yao from before. His facial features have not changed much, but he has changed everywhere.

   She stood beside Shao Rooqiu, the second sister recognized by Maple Leaf Entertainment, and she was not inferior to Shao Rooqiu.

   You must know that the facial features of the artists who can be photographed are all tempered and can withstand the test of countless shots. The good-looking of ordinary people and the good-looking of artists have never been on the same level.

   And when Xiao Yao stood in front of the artist this time, she was not compared to the past!

"Xiao Yao, shouldn't she be plastic surgery?" Jiang Jingjing thought secretly, "It's not impossible. I heard that she wants to hook up with Maple Leaf Entertainment's Lan Feng, Lan Feng has read countless people, and ordinary women must be Not his eyes."

   Jiang Jingjing thought of Fu Meirou again, "Isn't Lan Feng from Fu Meirou? Anyway, it's imperative that I please this cousin."

  At the event site, after taking pictures, everyone chatted with each other, and at the scene, talked about personal connections.

  Xiao Yao has also met several investors, and there may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

   Jiang Jingjing also met several investors at the scene, but others were not very interested in contacting her.

   First, it was because Jiang Yue had already lost a huge amount of money before. Investors saw Jiang Qi's face, so the loss would be fine.

  Secondly, this Jiang Jingjing, after all, is not Jiang Qi's daughter, but his niece - at least in everyone's perception - there is no certainty that everyone will not spend too much money.

  The last time Jiang Jingjing broke the table of Lan Feng's crew, Lan Feng went directly to Jiang Qi and asked for compensation.

   At least for a short time, everyone is taking a wait-and-see attitude towards Jiang Jingjing.

   Jiang Jingjing did not gain much after a lap at the scene.

   She glanced at Xiao Yao and walked out of the scene.

   After she went out, she called Guo Minghui, and Guo Minghui answered.

   "Minghui, see you when you have time."

   The man on the other side of the phone hesitated for a while before agreeing.

   Soon, Guo Minghui came and met Jiang Jingjing.

   He was drinking, and it looked like he came from a social occasion.

  Jiang Jingjing didn't mind and said, "Why do you drink so much?"

   "It's alright." Guo Minghui said casually, undoing his bow tie.

   He was just using alcohol to relieve his worries in social occasions. Since breaking up with Xiao Yao, his mentality has not been adjusted.

   In addition, his mother has been letting him get back with Jiang Jingjing, and he is too tired to cope, and he has the tendency to break the jar.

   Jiang Jingjing went into a bar with him, and Guo Minghui asked for wine again.

  Jiang Jingjing didn't bother to persuade him, and said, "Minghui, aren't you talking about investment recently? Are you interested in cooperating with me?"

   "I have already negotiated cooperation with other people. Recently, there is no investment amount and no projects." Guo Minghui drank cup after cup of wine.

  Jingjing Jiang was really disappointed. He originally thought that Guo Minghui could find some investment here.

   Although he is not a top-notch investor, he still has some investment quotas, otherwise Jiang Jingjing would not have found Guo Minghui to reunite with him before he was recognized by Jiang Qi.

   (end of this chapter)

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