Chapter 2037 Countless densely covered

   "This 1% share is for you, Xiao Yao." After Lan Feng dealt with the affairs tonight, he asked the lawyer to draw up the contract.

Xiao Yao was surprised: "I can't accept your things. Maple Leaf Entertainment is the result of your hard work. As far as I know, 1% of the shares is already a huge number, how can I get it for nothing? take it?"

   "Why not, I can do it if I can. You also said that Maple Leaf Entertainment is my thing, my thing, how I want to be the master."

   "But..." Xiao Yao was still hesitant.

"What's so good about it?" Lan Feng smiled, "Do you think it's naive to give someone something when you love someone? But the truth is, when you fall in love with someone, you will think about everything. She shares that she can't wait to put the best of everything in the world in front of her. Just like a child would share his toys and snacks with his friends."

  Xiao Yao's heart is pounding, he said he loves someone, so, does he love himself now?

   Those words he said suddenly grabbed her heart firmly.

   For a moment, Xiao Yao couldn't breathe or think.

   Lan Feng drove the car steadily and turned to look at her: "Why are you stunned?"

   "Lan Feng..." Xiao Yao was full of words, but she didn't know which to say first.

  Lan Feng reached out and rubbed her hair, and a smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

   "Lan Feng, then I will accept it." Xiao Yao put away the contract.

  Some things are related to money and wealth, but they represent not only money and wealth, but precisely the things that do not represent money and wealth, which are the most cherished things.

Just like a few years ago, when he passed by her desk, he drew a small flower on her white paper. Once placed on the top of his heart, he would never take it off again. .

  Lan Feng tilted his head and glanced at Xiao Yao. Now he is determined, he has long wanted to bring her to the dead and tell everyone that she is the one he loves.

   But he knew that the time was not enough, and there were still too many people in Maple Leaf Entertainment who did their best to Fu Meirou.

   He loved Fu Meirou for more than ten years, and gave her too many opportunities to put people in, all over the company.

   Now these people have intertwined relationships, and they are densely covered in Maple Leaf Entertainment. Many people are still loyal to Fu Meirou.

   Until these people are cleaned up, Lan Feng can't give them a chance to hurt Xiao Yao for the time being.

  Those are the things he did before he fell in love with Xiao Yao, so he has to solve it clearly and completely before bringing Xiao Yao to everyone.


  Xiao Yao and Lan Feng are very strong, and the filming progress of the entire crew is particularly fast.

   The shooting of "The Legend of Yao Fei" was even higher than expected.

   And Jiang Jingjing's crew was thrown far away.

   Obviously, the selected director and crew members were taken from Xiao Yao, and the director Wu Weide also tried his best.

   But the overall speed just couldn't keep up with Xiao Yao's.

   Jiang Jingjing couldn't find anything after inquiring about it.

   However, she found out that Director Zhou's wife Meng Qing was always running to the hospital.

  Xiao Yao also goes to the hospital from time to time.

What exactly is going on?

   This aroused Jiang Jingjing's high attention, and she wanted to know what happened to Zhou Zhuo.

   (end of this chapter)

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