The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2039: Find less than the slightest happiness

   Chapter 2039 Finding less than the slightest happiness

   Zhou Zhuo was very resistant to going to the hospital again, but for the sake of his wife and children, he still chose to agree.

  Xiao Yao stayed to deal with the remaining problems of the crew and to appease people's hearts.

  Because Director Zhou was not around, we simply gave everyone an afternoon off in the afternoon, and ordered desserts to cool off the heat.

   As a result, the emotions of the entire crew finally stabilized, and there were no major problems.

  Lan Feng accompanied Zhou Zhuo for the examination, and the doctor said, "There is nothing wrong, maybe it's just too nervous, that's why this situation happened, just take a little more rest."

  Lan Feng and Zhou Dao came out together and checked the medicine. The medicine was the same as what he usually took, but why did such a problem happen?

   Zhou Zhuo's mood is very bad, is there something wrong with him?

   Or is it that you are incurable by yourself, so there is such a problem? Will I be able to continue shooting in the future? In such an impulsive situation now, will it hurt Meng Qing and Wei Yi when he returns home?

  Lan Feng saw his problem. He himself suffered from depression before. When his emotions were extreme, he would suspect that all the mistakes in the world were caused by himself, and he would not find any happiness.

   Even, there will be thoughts of suicide.

  Xiao Yao came to join Lan Feng after finishing the work of the crew.

  I wanted to send Zhou Zhuo home, but Zhou Zhuo was a little nervous: "No, don't go home. What if I hurt my wife and children?"

   "Director Zhou, you didn't hurt He Li just now, there is no problem with He Li." Xiao Yao advised, "Everyone is fine, they said they will wait for your return."

   "No, it's all my fault, it's my fault..." Zhou Zhuo's emotions collapsed.

  Lan Feng said: "Why don't I accompany you to the hotel to open a room. By the way, let's make an appointment in another hospital for examination."

   Finally persuaded Zhou Zhuo to go to the hotel, Xiao Yao called Meng Qing and told her that the current production crew was in a hurry, Zhou Zhuo would not go home for the time being, and would not go back until the busy period was over.

   Meng Qing understood and supported his work very much, so he didn't say much.

   In the evening, I finally made an appointment for a checkup at another hospital. Lan Feng and Xiao Yao accompanied Zhou Zhuo for the checkup.

   After examining the doctor, he asked in surprise, "What medicine do you give the patient?"

   "That's all." Lan Feng had already prepared and handed over the medicine.

The doctor checked that there was no problem with the drug, and then asked about other aspects of the situation, and said: "In this case, is the patient taking the opposite drug to treat depression, or adding some drug that should not be added, causing him to suddenly appear If you have mania, when you have a mania, you will have high emotions and uncontrollable actions, which is just the opposite of depression."

  Zhou Zhuo then remembered that in the previous hospital, the doctor did inject himself a dose of medicine every time. He had been treated there before, and the situation was recovering well, so he didn't think much about it.

   Now that I think about it, there should be a problem with the treatment that the hospital gave me.

   He told the doctor about the situation.

  Lan Feng and Xiao Yao were also very surprised: "The doctor over there actually does such a thing?"

"In this way, Director Zhou, let's go back there for treatment and see what kind of drugs he will inject. If there is a situation, we will catch it, so that we will understand who is attacking you." Lan Feng said.

   (end of this chapter)

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