Chapter 2067 has a plan

   In addition, due to her limited status, there are not many wealthy and powerful people in Jingyuan City that she can really contact, and there are even fewer good men.

  This Lan Feng, in fact, to be honest, she looks really good, she is well-mannered, and she can make money, and she has not had a direct festival with her.

  If my father can pair himself with Lan Feng...

  Jiang Jingjing was suddenly full of yearning, and scolded herself: "Why didn't I think of this level? Before, I only cared about going against Lan Feng and Xiao Yao, and I forgot that there is such a good man standing in front of me."

   "Auntie, do you think Lan Feng will come to the house?" Jiang Jingjing asked immediately.

"Yes, yes. That child, except for his temper, is not very good - after all, his parents died early, and not many people have taught him his temper. Speaking of which, our two families are still friends from life." Mrs. Jiang smiled, but felt a little regretful , "It's just that I heard that he and Xiao Yao are a little unclear, and I don't know what's going on..."

   Jiang Jingjing nodded: "Xiao Yao is chasing Lan Feng, but Lan Feng will definitely not like her."

   "That's true." Mrs. Jiang nodded.

   "Auntie, do you think Jiang Yue would like Lan Feng?" Jiang Jingjing was worried that Mrs. Jiang was planning for Jiang Yue, and she had nothing to do with her.

   Mrs. Jiang pretended to hate iron and sighed: "Don't mention Jiang Yue, she has a big idea, she must have someone she likes. It really gives me a headache."

   This means that Jiang Yue doesn't like Lan Feng anymore, Jiang Jingjing feels like she has put down a big rock.

   Mrs. Jiang sighed worriedly, stopped talking to Jiang Jingjing, got up and went upstairs.

   Before leaving, he glanced at Jiang Jingjing and found that she was thinking about something in a trance. She couldn't help shaking her head secretly. It seemed that Jiang Jingjing was interested in this matter.

   Mrs. Jiang went upstairs and said loudly to the housekeeper, "Be careful with the things in the study, Mr.

  Jiang Jingjing was awakened and looked upstairs.

   Mrs. Jiang was still saying: "Many of the things in this study are classified documents. If you accidentally leak it, or if someone sees something, you will have to spend your time in prison!"

  Jiang Jingjing felt a little groaning in her heart, knowing that her father was indeed very valuable, and things in the study could not be easily touched...

   In her heart, she gradually had a plan.


  Lan Feng and Xiao Yao received an invitation letter from the Jiang family, inviting them to a dinner party.

   I heard that it was Jiang Jingjing's birthday, and Jiang Jingjing also intentionally apologized for what happened last time.

   "We don't have much friendship with Jiang Jingjing. What is the purpose of her doing this?" Xiao Yao really couldn't figure it out.

"Maybe Jiang Qi forced her to do this. Jiang Qi has a good face, and he had a lot of opinions on Jiang Jingjing last time." Lan Feng speculated, "And speaking of it, our two are also friends, he may not want to do it. It's too ugly to make outsiders criticize him for being too harsh on the younger generation."

   But all of this is speculation, and Lan Feng and Xiao Yao are not very clear about the specifics.

  Lan Feng agreed to go to the banquet that day, for the sake of the Jiang family.

   I also want to see what Jiang Jingjing is going to do.


   That night, Jiang Jingjing's birthday party.

  Jiang Jingjing invited many guests over, most of them were rich or expensive.

  Because she invited Jiang's house, many well-informed people knew that she had a close relationship with Jiang Qi, so they all rushed over.

   (end of this chapter)

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