The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2076: Deliberate things to do

   Chapter 2076 Deliberate things to do

  Jiang Yue stepped forward and saw that what was written on the paper was about some investors and Maple Leaf Entertainment Group, and it didn't seem to be particularly confidential.

   she said, "Did you say you dropped this document? It's not particularly secret, why are you so angry?"

   "This thing was taken from my safe!"

   Jiang Yue's face changed, she knew too well how important and confidential Jiang Qi's safe was.

   When she was young, she touched Jiang Qi's safe and was punished to kneel for a day. At that time, Jiang Qi's position was not so high.

   Now that such a thing is happening, it is no wonder that Jiang Qi is so angry.

   Mrs. Jiang also walked in, she didn't expect something to appear between Jiang Jingjing and Jiang Yue's seats.

   She wanted to use this incident to get rid of Jiang Jingjing and Xiao Yao, and while removing her own thorns, she also sold Fu Meirou a good one.

   Now that Jiang Yue is in it, she has no choice but to take care of it, and said, "Husband, it's useless for Jiang Yue to hold this kind of thing. Could it be that Lan Feng and Xiao Yao want to come and take it?"

   Jiang Qi's expression did not change.

  Jiang Jingjing immediately said: "Yes, yes, this kind of thing is only useful to them. Besides, Xiao Yao went upstairs tonight."

   "Check the fingerprints on it immediately!"

  The bodyguards all carry a very complete fingerprint system, and immediately go forward to check.

   "Minister Jiang, there are no fingerprints on this!"

   Jiang Qi angrily slapped Jiang Jingjing, and wanted to hit Jiang Yue again.

   Mrs. Jiang stopped her and said, "Husband, it's a big deal. You can't just beat your daughter. It's still unclear whose responsibility it is."

"There aren't any fingerprints on it, can you say that Lan Feng and Xiao Yao did it? How could they have deliberately done such a thing? Besides, I just asked, Lan Feng was playing cards downstairs all night, and there was no such thing at all. Come upstairs." Jiang Qi is not an idiot, he can't just listen to a few words.

   He had already guessed that this was something someone deliberately did, but who was it?

   "Lan Feng didn't come up, but Xiao Yao came upstairs!" Jiang Jingjing immediately brought trouble.

   Jiang Qi gave Jiang Jingjing a slap again.

  Jiang Jingjing was very unconvinced: "Dad, why do you keep hitting me? What does this have to do with me? I don't know anything at all. Besides, what good will it do for me to frame Xiao Yao?"

   "I also want to know, what will be the benefits of you framing Xiao Yao! What will you get if she has an accident!" Jiang Qi said angrily, "The thing was found by you and Jiang Yue, how do you explain it?"

  Jiang Jingjing denied it.

  Jiang Yue is really out of the situation.

   Jiang Qi said furiously, "You said Xiao Yao is coming to get this document, then why did she steal the diamonds in my safe again?"

   "What diamond? She didn't take the diamond, she only took the document!" Jiang Jingjing said reflexively.

   As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she understood that she was not going to attack herself, because she did not take any diamonds, but only documents.

   Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Yue stared at Jiang Jingjing.

  Jiang Qi's eyes were also fixed on Jiang Jingjing.

  Jiang Jingjing could not wait to cover her mouth, she said in a panic, "I didn't mean that, I mean, I mean, Xiao Yao she must be..."

   She herself could not think of a reasonable explanation for a while, and her words were incoherent.

  The atmosphere froze, and as her voice dropped, the whole study became cold.

   (end of this chapter)

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