Chapter 2094 Are you pregnant?

  Xiao Yao herself has a lot of things to do.

   When she was shocked that her period was several days late, she only remembered to buy a pregnancy test stick.

  When she got off work in the afternoon, on her way home, she stopped by the pharmacy at the intersection and bought a few.

   With anxiety and urgency in her heart, she returned home.

   The last time the child was gone left a heavy psychological shadow on her, and it took her a long time to come out.

   And now, will she have another child?

  The time with Lan Feng is not very long, but the relationship has been relatively stable. Lan Feng also said that when she is free, when she is willing, she wants to have a child.

   Could it be so soon?

  Xiao Yao couldn't restrain her throbbing and rushed into the bathroom.

   held her breath, and after a while, she took a long breath, opened her eyelashes, and looked at the red line on the pregnancy test stick.


   Two red lines clearly appeared on the pregnancy test stick that appeared in Xiao Yao's eyes.

   She really has another child with Lan Feng!

   Not quite at ease, she took out another one and tested it again, and the result was exactly the same as the last time!

  Xiao Yao couldn't help crying with joy. Although she was not fully prepared, the idea of ​​wanting a child in her heart always existed.

   And the child this time is completely different from the last time. It is the crystallization of the relationship between her and Lan Feng's marriage, and it is also a child who will be blessed.

   She took the picture tremblingly, ready to send it to Lan Feng.

   But on second thought, it is better to tell him about such a thing in person.

   When he came back, she told him herself, not knowing how happy he would be.

After making the decision, Xiao Yao did not continue to send him WeChat, but there was an uncontrollable smile on her face.

   She came out of the bathroom. The part-time worker aunt was cooking. She usually eats less, and the aunt does not cook much.

  Xiao Yao walked over and said to her aunt, "Auntie, please cook two more dishes tonight, the meat kind."

   "Okay, I just bought short ribs and beef brisket tonight. Would you like to make you a winter melon pork rib soup and stewed beef brisket with tomatoes?" Auntie asked with a smile.

   "Well, okay, thank you." Xiao Yao showed a gentle smile on her face.

  She has a child, so she needs to eat more to ensure that the child will grow up healthy and healthy.

  When I see Xiao Yue's two daughters Lian'er and Tingting, she has always been envious, and she really wants a daughter.

   Now I can look forward to it myself.

   "Auntie, please add more dishes in the future."

   "Master Feng is coming back from a business trip?" Auntie asked casually, "Then I can buy more dishes that he also likes."

   "No, he won't be back for the time being. But I've had a good appetite recently and want to eat more."

   Auntie suddenly had a clear smile: "Are you pregnant?"

  Xiao Yao was seen at once, a little embarrassed, she didn't want to be known by her, she just shook her head.

Auntie smiled and said, "You and Young Master Feng should have children too. Young Master Feng is so kind to you. Before leaving, he told me to take good care of you and don't make you work hard. He also likes children very much. Young Master Feng's parents left early, he has been alone for many years, and he will be happy if there is a child in the family!"

   (end of this chapter)

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