Chapter 2100 What I owe in my heart

   She likes him, deeply loves him and adores him.

   But this is not the reason why he trampled her under his feet and regarded her as nothing!

  Lan Feng, he must give her a clear answer!

   "This is what Master Feng left you." The bodyguard turned on the phone, and there was a recording on it.

  Xiao Yao laughed in anger, what does this mean?

   Are you afraid to come and see her in person now?

   Will she be dismissed for a phone recording?

   At this moment, the grief and anger in his heart had reached the extreme, Xiao Yao's hands trembled and he clicked on the recording.

   Lan Feng's usual casual tone came from inside, but this time, his voice was obviously solemn: "I will divorce her. I choose to be responsible for my children."

   A clearly familiar voice came, Xiao Yao's hand released, and the phone smashed to the ground.

   Although he didn't hear his name here, the meaning was clearly pointed at her.

  Xiao Yao sat down weakly on the ground, this is the answer he gave her, the final result he gave her?

   On the stage at the banquet, Lan Feng stood on it, high-spirited and full of smiles, but the result for her was a knife deeply stabbed in her heart.

   She loved him, but she never expected to marry him and get all this.

But now, after he gave her hope, he took everything away. If her previous extravagant hope brought only 10% of the pain, then the pain brought by her current despair is 200%. .

  The bodyguard picked up the phone, quickly left Xiao Yao, and disappeared.

  Xiao Yao sat on the ground, her head buried deep in her arms and between her legs.

   At the banquet scene, Fu Meirou took Lan Feng and walked into the crowd to meet her friends who were also known by both parties, and share her joy.

  Lan Feng always felt that he owed something in his heart.

The more    is with Fu Meirou, the more it reminds him of the simple happiness when he is with Xiao Yao.

   He wanted to know how Xiao Yao is now.

   "I'm going to the bathroom." He let go of Fu Meirou's hand, turned his head and rushed into the bathroom.

   called Xiao Yao, but she didn't answer.

   After a few more calls, the phone over there was turned off.

  Lan Feng was a little worried and called home.

   was picked up by the part-time worker aunt: "Miss Xiao may be busy with work. I see that she is very busy recently."

   "Is she okay?"

   "It's pretty good. I can eat and sleep, and it looks pretty good." Auntie smiled.

  Lan Feng felt a little relieved, remembering that she always made the planning book late, and used to work overtime. When she was away, no one helped her, and no one reminded her when she was off work. She must be busy with work again.

   When I go back to supervise her, she should be much better.

   Lan Feng put away his phone and glanced outside again.

   Fu Meirou is now quite at ease with him. He has already found almost all the backups of the videos she left behind that he knew.

   The reason why he still stayed was because he was worried that Fu Meirou had left some other backups. He must get all the backups and make sure that every one was completely annihilated.


  Xiao Yao was tired from crying, took a taxi, sat in the car, her mind was numb.

  The driver asked her for the address several times before she said one.

   "Miss, don't be joking, it's so late to go to Portugal? It's going to be overpassed and fast-track, and it's a big disadvantage for us to take a taxi so far to check the meter."

   (end of this chapter)

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