The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2111: Am I not happy to be back?

   Chapter 2111 Am I still not happy when I come back?

   reconciled as before, and returned to Jingyuan's residence together.

  Auntie was very happy to see them back, and hurriedly asked: "Master Feng, Miss Xiao, do you want to have dinner now?"

   "Eat now." Lan Feng said.

   Auntie brought a table full of dishes, and Lan Feng asked strangely, "So many dishes?"

   Usually four dishes and one soup are enough for him and Xiao Yao, but now my aunt has brought about ten dishes.

   The small table was already full.

   "Miss Xiao has a good appetite, and she specifically told me to cook more food before, so I added more vegetables. Besides, it is rare for Master Feng to come back, so of course you have to eat better."

   Lan Feng also had no objection, sat down and handed the chopsticks and bowl to Xiao Yao.

  Xiao Yao was a little sad when she saw these dishes. Originally, she ate this to replenish her body and nourish her baby.

  But now…

   She was holding the bowl, a little distracted.

  Lan Feng served her vegetables and asked with a smile, "Have you turned your grief into appetite, so you have to eat so much? But I haven't seen you gain weight."

  Xiao Yao smiled: "You also eat more."

   Having misunderstood Lan Feng so much, Xiao Yao was really sorry and brought him a lot of dishes.

   Auntie said with a smile: "Then I'll go first, just put the bowls in the dishwasher after you eat, and I'll come to clean up in the kitchen early tomorrow morning."

  Lan Feng, seeing Xiao Yao's preoccupied look, whispered, "What's the matter, aren't I happy when I come back?"

   "Happy!" Xiao Yao raised her face and gave him a big smile.

   "Are you still drooping your face when you are happy?" Lan Feng pinched her cheek.

  Xiao Yao smiled hard: "I just haven't recovered. I... I'm afraid that all the good things will disappear too quickly."

"No. Do you know Xiao Yao, the shareholders meeting was held that day, I originally wanted to bring you to everyone in front of everyone, but Fu Meirou suddenly took out Xiao Yue's video, so I changed my plan and didn't open it. I didn’t have time to accompany you to buy a wedding dress at the conference. But all of this is in my plan. Everything you want and think is true.”

  Xiao Yao's eyes filled with tears unconsciously.

   She lowered her eyes and tears fell.

   "I'm sorry, I should have told you earlier, but I was afraid that Fu Meirou would target you. Fortunately, it's all settled now, isn't it?" Lan Feng gently wiped away her tears.

  Xiao Yao smiled: "I see, you eat more."

   After eating, Lan Feng took a shower and kissed her directly.

  Xiao Yao fled: "I... feel a little uncomfortable, so..."

  Lan Feng reached out and touched her forehead: "Have a cold? Have a fever? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

   "No, it's just a little uncomfortable, so I don't want to…"

   "I understand." Lan Feng let go of her, but calmly let her lean against his chest. Although the arrow was already on the line, he could still forbear for her and respect her intentions.

   He smiled and said, "Then let's chat for a while."

"it is good."

  The moonlight is just right, and the room is filled with whispers, which is a romance between husband and wife.

   After a while, Xiao Yao let out an even breathing sound, Lan Feng tilted her head and glanced at her, picked her up, put her away, and pulled the quilt on.

   Just as he was about to turn over, Xiao Yao's cell phone rang. In order not to disturb her sleep, Lan Feng took the cell phone and walked out of the room.

   (end of this chapter)

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