The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2114: How can I lie to you

   Chapter 2114 How could I lie to you

   This hospital was specially arranged by Lan Feng with a friend.

  Because it is a special VIP room, Lan Feng can also go in together.

   He put on a special mask and stayed by Xiao Yao's side.

   Knowing Lan Feng's identity, the doctor was extra careful when examining him.

  The instrument slid across Xiao Yao's stomach, he said with a smile, "The fetal heartbeat is very powerful. Listen..."

   "Puttong" and "Puttong" devices clearly came from the clear fetal heartbeat.

  Xiao Yao couldn't believe it for a while, she clenched her fingers: "Doctor, is this true?"

   "Really, this is the sound of the fetal heartbeat, which is very similar to our own heartbeat, but we have specially amplified this sound with instruments, so you can hear it too."

   The voices of "Putong" and "Putong" were very clear, Xiao Yao's emotions that were still outside the situation suddenly returned to their place, and tears welled up in her eyes.

  Lan Feng bent down, and bright eyes appeared in his eyes. He lowered his head and held Xiao Yao's lower abdomen, listening intently with an almost religious attitude.

   "But doctor, when we checked before, the hospital over there said that the fetus had no heartbeat and there were heart problems, so we advised us not to have children." Lan Feng looked at the doctor.

   He wanted to be 100% sure about the child's health and Xiao Yao's safety.

   "Fetal heartbeats can only be heard after a certain period of pregnancy, so it's normal not to hear them before. As for heart disease, how can such a small embryo be detected? What's your test report?"

   Lan Feng handed over the report.

After the doctor read it, he tapped his fingers heavily: "Isn't this nonsense? Is this the wrong test report? Look, it's impossible for such a small embryo to do this kind of test, let alone check it out. The problem of the fetus. This hospital is very irresponsible. Let me tell you this, at least for now, after the current examination, your child is all right and completely normal. These items listed above, It will take at least four months to be able to check."


   "I'm a doctor, how could I lie to you!" The doctor said with great certainty.

  Xiao Yao cried with joy: "That means I can keep the child without having an abortion? Does this child have those problems?"

   "Of course not anymore, you can raise your baby at ease."

   "Doctor, will I have an accidental miscarriage before, will it affect the child this time?" Xiao Yao asked worriedly.

"No, no." The doctor has always been very determined, "As long as your body is normal, this time the child has no necessary connection with the last abortion or not, so don't think too much about it. Well, rest. You can go back right away."

  Xiao Yao sat up excitedly and hugged Lan Feng: "There is no problem with our child. Lan Feng, did you hear? The child is healthy, we don't need to give him up."

   "Yes, I heard it all." Lan Feng raised his hand and wiped away the moisture from the corner of his eyes.

   He and Xiao Yao's children are fine, they can completely keep the children.

   He is about to have a baby, and he can be a dad soon!

  Xiao Yao's mood suddenly recovered, and the originally gloomy mood suddenly became brighter.

   She and Lan Feng hugged each other for a long time.

   She said in a low voice embarrassed: "I'll send Chuning a message, so that she won't be worried about the situation of the two of us. She's about to give birth now, and it would be bad if she was influenced by me."

   (end of this chapter)

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