The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2143: I'll accompany you home first

   Chapter 2143 I'll accompany you home first

"Master Shen, I went to Dr. Gu, and I heard that he has returned home." Liu Pingting said hurriedly, "I found the source of the virus and came to ask Dr. Gu to help develop a special medicine. My son is very sick. Only Doctor Gu can help him. Doctor Gu…”

  Gu Yunchen has stood up from the sofa and strode over: "You found it, where did you find it?"

   "Doctor Gu, you believe me, this is definitely true. Please help. If you save my son, you can also save others." Liu Pingting said with tears in her eyes.

   Although Gu Yunchen doesn't think she has the ability to find this kind of thing.

   However, even if there is even a little bit of hope, he still needs to try, so many patients are still waiting for treatment, and infections are always on the way, which will cause more healthy people to become sick at any time.

   He said, "Okay, I'll go to the research room right away."

When Liang Yi saw that he had just come back and was about to leave, he was really distressed. No matter he knew it was useless to dissuade him at this moment, he said in a low voice, "Then go there, I will take care of myself. This bird's nest, bring Eat in the car."

  Gu Yunchen put a kiss on her brow: "Wait for me to go home."

   "Where did you get the stuff?" Shen Jingyu cast a vigilant gaze towards Liu Pingting.

Liu Pingting knew that it was a big deal, and she also felt that this matter was affecting her whole body, so she didn't dare to sell Jiang Qi, she just said: "Master Shen, I actually don't know, someone gave it to me, I For the sake of my son, I had to make a trip. But the source of the thing, I really don't know."

   Shen Jingyu saw at a glance that she was lying, arranged for someone to look at her temporarily, and dispatched more people to stay by Gu Yunchen's side. Since the source of this thing is temporarily unknown, if it is free, it will definitely be investigated.

   At present, the most important thing is to let Gu Yunchen verify whether it is the source of the virus and whether it can be used immediately to develop a special medicine.

   "Jing Yu, then you can go do your work, I'll just take the driver's car and go home." Chu Ning said thoughtfully.

   "No, I'll accompany you home first." Shen Jingyu whispered.

   They went to the parking lot with Gu Yunchen at the same time, the driver of Gu family took Gu Yunchen off, and Shen Jingyu accompanied Chu Ning home first.

   At such a moment, Shen Jingyu didn't want Chu Ning to be frightened alone.

  In the car, Chu Ning leaned against Shen Jingyu's arms, relatively speechless, but his heart was full of tacit understanding.

  After getting off the car, Shen Jingyu hugged her by the waist, strode into the living room, walked up the stairs, entered the room, and put her on the bed: "Have a good rest, don't think about it, eh?"


   "I'll be back soon." Shen Jingyu kissed her eyes.

  Chuning grabbed his palm and was reluctant to let go.

  Shen Jingyu laughed softly: "Okay, good night."

   "Jing Yu..." Chu Ning whispered his name.

   "Yes." Shen Jingyu replied in a low voice.

  Thousands of words, but it just turned into silence tonight.

   Accompanying Chu Ning to fall asleep, Shen Jingyu tidied up his clothes and strode out of the room.

   He soon returned to Gu Yunchen's research institute.

Qiao Hai came to report: "Master Shen, we have asked everything we should have asked, but Liu Pingting refused to say anything, insisting that someone gave her anonymously, and she didn't know anything. Because she belongs to the Jiang family. , we don't dare to push too hard..."

   "I will ask myself." Shen Jingyu's eyes flashed a shimmer, and she rolled up the sleeves of her suit.

   (end of this chapter)

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