The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2169: Do not forget the original intention, Fang De always

   Chapter 2169 Don't forget your original intention, you will always be

  Shen Jingyu tilted his head and looked at Chu Ning seriously, the original intention, there is a word that sounds very close to Chu Ning's name, this is also the original intention of his love for her, the original intention that he will never change for her life.

   Lele raised her head and looked at Shen Jingyu: "Daddy, what do you mean by original intention?"

   "That's why you chose someone or did something, and the reason that emerged from the depths of your heart is your inner impulse, understand?" Shen Jingyu lowered his eyes and looked into his son's eyes.

  Lele's little head nodded: "So if you don't forget your original intention, can you always do it?"

   "If you don't forget your original intention, you will always be there." Shen Jingyu hooked his lips and repeated his son's words softly.

  The whole room was so sweet with these two words that even the parents of both sides reached out and held each other. The original intention is precious and will last forever.

   Chuxin was lying in the cradle, his black and white eyes were wide open, and he turned with full energy, looking at this, looking at that, his mouth grinned, showing a happy smile.

   In the evening, all the family members said goodbye and left.

   Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning pushed their daughter back from outside the villa, and when they crossed the small bridge, a very low-key car drove over in the distance.

   They paused slightly.

  The car stopped, the special assistant got out of the car to open the door, and Fu Hongxuan appeared.

   It was only half a year later, he looked several years older, and his hair on the temples was mottled white.

   Of course it was because of the busyness of being re-elected as the president, but probably the most important reason was because Fu Meirou's affairs made him uneasy.

  Although Fu Meirou prescribes the medicine, it is actually Chen Rou who actually handles it, and Chen Rou should take the responsibility.

   However, after all, Fu Meirou was in charge of the matter, and Fu Meirou also participated in a series of other things. Fu Meirou couldn't get rid of the many things Jiang Qi did.

   So in the last trial, Fu Meirou was sentenced to nearly 20 years.

  Fu Meirou herself is nearly thirty years old, and with the punishment of nearly twenty years, this future life will probably stop there.

  According to Fu Hongxuan's official business and seldom favoritism, at best he will help her fight for a commutation of her sentence normally, and will never use her power to excuse her.

  However, even if he sticks to the bottom line in his heart and does not excuse his daughter, how can he feel good in the heart of a father?

  Fu Hongxuan walked towards Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning, then lowered his eyes and glanced at the original intention in the cradle.

   Chuxin fell asleep long ago, with a chubby little face, very cute.

   "The child is a month old?" Fu Hongxuan asked in a hoarse voice.

   He's been smoking too much recently, and his voice is a little dry.

   But there is no way, too busy, smoke and tea can refresh.

   "Yes." Shen Jingyu responded in a low voice.

  Fu Hongxuan smiled: "Sometimes, I really envy you, Jing Yu, for being able to balance work and family well and get the life you want. After all, I was useless and didn't do it."

  Shen Jingyu was calm and silent.

  Fu Hongxuan patted him on the shoulder: "The Dragon Empire needs you, but it can't give you a higher position. I've wronged you."

   "No." Shen Jingyu shook his head slightly.

   In his current position, there are only Fu Hongxuan and several vice presidents. With his age, he doesn't want to make another breakthrough at this time.

  Fu Hongxuan is right, Shen Jingyu recognizes his current life and can balance work and relationship, instead of becoming a work machine like Fu Hongxuan, ignoring his family.

   Please check today's 10 chapters~



   (end of this chapter)

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