The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 2176: Text ending because I love you, so I love

   Chapter 2176 Text ending Because I love you, so I love this world

   The problem was solved so easily. To say that Chu Zhuohang was relieved by the fight, but holding this cute and soft bun, it would be neither a fight nor a fight.

   In the face of Shen Jingyu's small initial heart, can Chu Zhuohang not let go?

   Who would be willing to embarrass her?

   "Go over." Chu Zhuohang finally spoke up and gave the road to Shen Jingyu.

   What he wants is nothing more than a stable life for his sister. Since Shen Jingyu can do it, why does he not let him?

   Shen Jing nodded and strode towards Chu Ning's room.

  Chu Zhuohang still held his little heart and watched Shen Jingyu's back go towards Chu Ning's room.

   When Shen Jingyu left, everyone stepped forward to tease Xiao Chuxin: "I'll come, I'll hug!"

   "Little Chuxin, let me hug you too!"

  Xiao Chuxin's **** and white eyes looked at this and that, and smiled very cutely.

   When it was Xiao Yao's turn to embrace Xiaochuxin, she was holding the child, and a flash of longing and love suddenly flashed in her eyes. Maybe the child in her belly would be as cute and cute as Xiaochuxin?

   Lan Feng smiled slightly. Like Xiao Yao, he had imagined countless times what his child would look like.

  Qin Zheng ran over and asked people to carry several large boxes of red envelopes over, and said with a smile: "Master Shen said, even if he passes, the red envelopes should still be sent out, and I will give everyone a good luck!"

   Everyone was happy and ran over to grab the red envelope sent by Shen Jingyu.


   Shen Jingyu opened the door, Chu Ning was already standing there waiting.

   Knew he would come, always knew it, like knew he would always be there.

   The auspicious time has come.

  Shen Jingyu stood on the central stage, which was highly anticipated.

   The door outside opened, and Chu Ye, Chu Zhuohang and He Yiming appeared in everyone's sight with Chu Ning.

  Father and brother accompanied her and were about to hand over her hand to the man in front of her.

  Chuning walked towards Shen Jingyu step by step, just like she did at the last wedding.

   Shen Jingyu looked at the girl who was walking towards him in his sight, a smile like a spring breeze appeared on his handsome face.

  There are two things to verify love, one is life and death, the other is time.

   They have already experienced the former, and the latter, Shen Jingyu hopes that time can be slower and slower, he wants to use the rest of his life to verify: Chu Ning, I love you.

  Shen Jingyu, I love you.

  I love this world because I love you.


[Author's words: Let's take a look, the main plot of Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning is basically complete here. I will sprinkle flowers and flowers for myself ヽ(°▽°)ノ, and also for all the babies who have followed here. Hua, thank you for your perseverance for nearly a whole year and more than 300 days. With you, I am better.

   The relationship between Shen Jingyu and Chu Ning should be relatively stable, and the things that need to be resolved have basically been resolved. The next thing is to write about Chu Zhuohang's emotional line. My uncle already has a child, so he deserves a stable relationship, isn't it?

When writing about Chu Zhuohang's emotional line, Chu Ning and Shen Jingyu will definitely make cameo appearances from time to time, but the overall plot will no longer revolve around them. After all, when they appear, they are abusing dogs. Hold on. 】

   [After writing about Chu Zhuohang, I will write about Shen Muhan, this high-ranking man who has nothing, is very pitiful and doesn’t know how to love. In fact, it’s a bit touching. His story has already formed in my mind. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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